How do you train idiot adults?

Some adults got trained as children. Some however did not and it shows. I have this issue of others being emotional and not wanting to respect my personal space. I tend to ask politely since I was raised to have manners. I however have a hard time being harsh without being overly harsh. Since if I pushed to snapping my instict is to stab and while physical fights is dismissed in school yards its not so accepted as adults. I find it annoying that it has to escalate to the piont of "I will stab you" for people to stop annoying behaviors such as hugging or unwanted sexual advances towards my person.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • CDmale4fem

    And so goes the ideas of a society that can get along and tolerate each other and put up with those that as you say are idiots.
    However it can depend on how far gone on the idiot scale as to if they can be set onto a path of new knowledge perhaps to amaze and even amuse some of us. But if they are to far gone, they are probably best left out in the pasture for reasons of their own.

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    • Are you suggesting I give them an early demise?

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  • Tommythecaty

    I don’t have to respect your personal space.

    It’s my space.

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  • jodi1955

    you cant, you can not train and old dog new tricks.

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