How do you view jehovah witnesses?

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I like them, but don't agree with their views. 17
I hate them, and wish they'd go away. 32
I can do without them, but don't mind their presence 45
I like them, and agree with their views. 23
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Comments ( 28 )
  • tumblrprincess

    Here's a story, once a saw a group of people holding banners that said that the Jehovah's Witnesses are tearing apart families and that they are covering up child predators. I think it's pathetic to hate people because you don't know what they're about. Yeah, they knock on your door just ask them to leave. They held the banners in front of the Jehovah's Witness temple waiting for families and other people to leave their service. I watched them and it was gross.

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  • I'm indifferent towards them, like all religious people. I disagree with them, but other people's beliefs aren't my concern. I don't like to judge people based on their faith, but I expect not to be judged on my non-faith/agnosticism.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    i don't care.

    i don't let strangers in no matter what. however i also don't need to torture anyone by being a jackass.

    "no thank you" is good enough.

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  • SpLaTTeReDcRaNiUm

    Let them believe what they want to. Especially in America.

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  • dappled

    I've no problem with their beliefs, I do have a problem with them calling on me unannounced, trotting out some things they've been taught, having no answer at all when I start to question it, abandoning it to move onto the next way of potentially winning me over, and moving though the gears until they finally hit anything that engages me, little realising that belittling evolution, telling me that man hath dominion over the animals, and hinting quite subtly that it's wrong to be gay are not going to endear me to anyone.

    Have your viewpoint but if you're going to attack mine, at least engage me in a discussion about it. I'm open-minded enough to listen. Moreso than they were, anyway.

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    • karmasAbich


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  • HarringtonMD

    when they show up at my door, I smile evilly hesitate,then call into the house /hey Jeff...the human sacrifices have arrived!"
    lol they dont stay too long.

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  • Chillpill

    I pity them. Don't they believe that "the end is nigh"? They may of course be right, but then they've held these beliefs for many, many years. That can't be a very peaceful way of living.

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    • Karina

      Actually, it is. We know the signs, stated in the bible. We have our complete faith and trust in our God, Jehovah. We look forward to the end, we don't sit on the edge of our seats, biting our nails. We're not swayed by movies like 2012, or people who claim the end will happen this day or that day. We know tat no one will know except Jehovah and his Son, Jesus. So why stress? We know that as long as we're doing what's right, preaching from house to house, and serving him with all our heart, we'll be fine. :)

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  • derpyderp

    I view them through the scope on my assault rifle...

    Jokes, jokes...

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  • Rhuarc

    At least they are spreading the word of some form of spirituality. I can stand belief in something even if its just belief in a rock god that rules over all the heavens and all rocks. Hell I can even stand agnostics at least they admit they don't know. But I can't stand atheism its so arrogant to believe that there is NO WAY AT ALL that a god does not exist or if some form of spirituality.

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  • joybird

    I've had a few call but I think I'm much too hard work for them and they don't call back. Could someone explain (if it's true) why they would not give their own children blood if they needed it because they were dying?

    On the notion of 'the end is nigh' my mum has harped on about this for the past 45+ years of my life and I with to God she would shut up and just get on with living out her rotten miserable existance instead of trying to drag the rest of us down into her depression. If she thought it was true for one minute I'm sure she would reform her rotten ways!

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    • Karina

      One: The bible states to abstain from blood. Basically, that means not letting any foreign blood (blood that isn't yours), into your body. Example: If a doctor said that drinking wine would kill you, so you should abstain from it, would you hook it up to your arm in an iv drip? Of course not.

      Secondly: There are many health risks that come with blood transfusions. You might get the wrong blood, making things worse. There might be an unknown disease in that blood. Human error, you know? But, there are many non-blood treatments that doctors now use. I'm surprised not many people know this, but more and more doctors are starting to do them. There's no foreign blood involved, and it takes less time to recover from surgery. One is called 'cell salvage'. We have many articles, even a few dvds, with doctor's opinions and statements, supporting non blood surgery.

      I hope I helped! :)

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      • Hazel_Skycrest

        Karina, can I just say- you are one faithful JW. Congrats! I am a JW too

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      • noid

        I thought the abstaining from blood referred to not eating meat with the blood in it.

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  • icanhascheezburger

    Don't care either way, they leave me alone.

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  • I had a friend that was raised in a jehovahs witness family. She was pretty normal most of the time but very secretive about her home life. No one really knew much about her.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Well I have a lot of Christians and Catholic in my family. I also know Christians/Catholic followers and a few people have said they are rather judgey. I never really met a Jehovah witness myself so I could not say. I have heard these remarks from people though. To me personally Christian/Catholic its mostly all the same. In fact most of these religions broke off of Catholicism anyhow. So in my head I would assume like any other christian.

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  • Bubbles-for-life

    I HAVE NO IDEA WHO THE FUCK THESE PEOPLE ARE<_<.....imma get in my jammies now :}

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  • Just1question

    Anyone has a right to believe in what they want. However when they start knocking on peoples doors and trying to force their beliefs on you, then thats a step to far.

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  • Jeshua

    Only issue I have with jehovahs witnesses is when I offer them one of my books for one of theirs they just say "NO" then try to convince me how much better their books are. WTF

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    • Karina

      Well, if you had a strong conviction, such as (for the sake of an illustration), you like the Yankees, would you buy a Red Sox hat? Of course not! We believe what we have is something real, something special, and worthy of being shared. Does that clear anything up for you?

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      • Jeshua

        I know you believe its special,but anybody giving advice on how to live should be able to take it.

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  • My friends one. I just hate the guys that keep coming to my doorstep. Damn religious fucks... Just Kidding! But they are annoying, right?

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  • Akira11

    I don't care what other people believe, but I don't like the fact that they try to push their religion on other people, especially having the nerve to come to people's houses and accosting you with their brochures when you're walking down the street!

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    • Karina

      Uh, actually, in the bible, (which we strive to live by), it commands God's followers to preach from 'house to house'. That's why we do that. Also, we follow the example of Jesus Christ, who would preach to everyone he met, which is why we do what we call 'street work', preaching to people on the street. We're taught to use discernment, so if you're in a rush, most of us will go of on our merry way. Not all of us do, which is sad, but hey, we're not perfect yet. :) Anyways, if you don't want to have us at your door, just ask politely to be put on our 'do not call list'. We won't get offended. Also, try putting a 'No Trespassing' sign on your door. We don't go to those houses. But try not to put those 'No Jehovah's' sign, because, although you have the right to, it's not the most nicest way to say no to us.

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      • IceRico24

        thank you. GOSH! If anyone in their right mind actually read that scripture, they wouldnt be complaining about people doing Jehovah's word. I used to be a Jehovah's Witness, I have NOTHING bad to say about them, they made me happy and I felt comfortable! But, Religion is not my thing, and Im Bi, so I dont want to be a hypocrite, but I DO believe in Jehovah.

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  • March8

    I don't see myself as religious, but i find religion extremely interesting. One day 2 Jehovah Witnesses came to my front door when i was trying to get ready for school, and started preaching to me about abstinence, and how i need to join their teen group. It was a very rude thing they did -as if others lives and beliefs are their business. Not to mention i was late to school :/ (after i tried to tell them i wasn't interested)

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