How do your fears affect you?

I don't apparently have any "fears". I'm not afraid of anything, I get a mild cautious reaction (what I think is defined as "healthy") when put in a couple certain specific extreme circumstances but anything outside of that I never feel fear. I am wondering, how does fear work with you?

Describe your fears, how they manifest and what happens when directly confronted with a "fear".

I can imagine a fear and I'm deadly afraid. 19
I definitely know what situations I'm afraid of before I face them. 26
I only feel fear when directly faced with the fear agent. 15
I've never felt any degree of fear. 2
I've never felt fear but I've not experienced much related to "fear" 1
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Comments ( 13 )
  • dom180

    I get a bit freaked out by large insects and spiders, but I can cope with them. As thisissomuchfun said, I fear losing people I'm close to (although I also fear being sucked in so close to someone I can't make myself leave them if it's the right thing to do). In certain contexts I fear socialising with complete strangers, but not in many. Usually it just makes me feel slightly uncomfortable for a little while.

    I'm scared of this too: I don't know why it makes me uncomfortable and juddery. I guess it's because symbolizes betrayal and helplessness and pain and tyranny all at once.

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  • Avant-Garde

    They effect me most of the time. I have many different phobias some of which occur more often than others. The ones that occur the most often tend to be the most debilitating except for a few other exceptions. My fear of people and leaving my house has unfortunately made me too paranoid to leave my house. I can't go for walks go for walks around my neighborhood. I only leave the house when I ABSOLUTELY have to. Its depressing. I have a intense fear of water and to make matters worse, I can't swim. I'm terrified of heights and flying, but I've recently been thinking about learning how to fly and getting a license to fly aircraft. I'm scared of cars to some extent and because of this phobia and some health issues I haven't been able to take a driver's test, not that I want to. There are other ways of travel but my aforementioned fears get in the way those forms of transport:/ I also get extremely paranoid during the night and of darkness that's indoors which is a bit odd because I love the night.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    My anxieties keep me awake at night.

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  • LadySimplicia

    Crowds are my worst and most frequent nightmare, up there with public speaking and being naked in public.

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  • Knucklespowns

    i fear only pain. i don't fear spiders, i fear the pain they may inflict, and i don't fear dieing. i fear the pain that comes with it.

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  • kingsleycrowne

    I fear heaps of things. I fear a totalitarian uprising in the government, I fear overpopulation, death, hunger, plague, virus. I fear nuclear war. Other than that I'm just afraid of old men in the park at night.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I generally avoid my fears.

    I have temporary fears. Like, the other day, I was on the highway and a car didn't look before he merged and merged ON me. I had to maneuver very quickly, our cars were less than a foot from each other, he came VERY close to hitting me. For the next few weeks, I will be very jumpy when I think someone MIGHT be changing a lane onto me.

    My less fleeting fears, I tend to try to avoid. I am afraid of sleeping alone in the dark because I when I am alone in the dark, I see the disembodied souls of the dead bodies I have gawked at returning to haunt me for gawking at their bodies. So on the one night (Sunday night) that I do sleep by myself (as my husband is at work) I sleep in front of the TV with a boring, slow moving on and the kitchen light on on the futon in my living room.

    I'm afraid that a horribly desperate or mentally deranged vagrant will try to mug me or otherwise harm me. Due to this, I will try to avoid them, avoid eye contact with them or in some cases, pull out money real fast, give it to them and walk away. The problem with the last one is that I normally don't carry cash on me and I'm also broke anyway.

    I also fear spiders. I fear the hell out of them. I don't squish spiders because I am so afraid one will jump on me. And coyotes. I avoid my more permanent fears or do my best to avoid contact with them.

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  • Littlebadgirl

    I have many fears, I just don't know them until they happen, or come close to happening. I have a huge fear of getting fat, I fear the death of any member of my direct family or closest friends, I fear spiders, I fear having a life I hate, I fear never finding a guy I truly like, I fear getting any kind of serious disease. I could go on forever...

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I really don't know it's been ages since i've been scared.

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  • I fear losing people.
    Every time I get close to someone I start to wonder how long it will be before they are no longer a part of my life. Years? Months? Days? I've moved around too much; everyone eventually makes an exit and it hurts every time.

    I'm also arachnophobia. They bite, they have too many eyes, and they are very sneaky. Size determines my reaction: so anything from mild anxiety to passing out.

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  • bananaface

    Some fears make me feel sick and make me cry when I'm confronted by them. It's a bit silly, really. Others do have an effect, a bigger one, although not as noticeable. I'm just a bit of a wimp, really.

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  • kelili

    I don't like being alone at night. I get paranoid. I close all windows, keep lights on and a torch beside my head, my cellphone is never too fall and an instrument I can use to defent myself. I let the dog in too. Just in case. Precautions are never too much.

    I'm a very different girl in the daylight :)

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    • SangoNyappy

      Do you mean real torch like stick with fire? That would be dangerous.

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