How does an worker know when a contract ends?

This is probably a dumb question but I'm a sercuity guard and it's my first time working a contract jobs. The workers at the client site mentioned that when the automatic gate is working then the contract ends. I asked one of my co workers for advice and he suggested that I phone a representative of the client sercuity contract and ask or wait until he says the job is done. I did that and he said I should stay there and guard an entrance until at least early June. I recently asked one of my bosses and she said June 14 or of it doesn't end on June 14th then I'll know when it ends? How do I know when it ends?

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Comments ( 2 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    You need to call your boss and tell him to be really clear to you about this. Say you need an exact date. You gotta make sure they arent playing any games. Sometimes companies will try to screw you so you wont leave or they will try to screw u out of money. Contracts are usually used to fuck ovwr the employee, I mean "contractor".

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  • techpc

    Did you sign a contract? If you did, it may outline some of this information. If not, ask a different boss since the first one didn't seem to be much help.

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