How does maturity get measured?

I had a wonderful childhood and loving parents. Is it normal I rely on these memories to sustain me as an adult? I'm a mature, functional adult. Not married by choice. Seems a risky undertaking this day and age.

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64% Normal
Based on 28 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • coltspm

    depends on the morality and personality of the person. i am seventeen and not like most people my age. i refuse to have sexual contact or anything of that sort until im married. most guys my age are all into sex. i look for a girlfriend though personality not their body. basically im an outcast due to being different but i feel im am mature, as do some of the people around me that have spotted me for me.

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  • russellnb

    I do not think it is good to live in the past but I think it is normal. Maybe because I do it. My childhood was great because of my sister. I did not feel like I belonged anywhere but my sister loved me and it made all the difference. We never had sex or even kissed but she would come and lay with me and I would put my arm around her and hold her close . It is a beautiful time in my life and it sustains me in times that are not so loving and caring.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Maturity gets measured i guess by how much you would take the piss out of someone who trip over and landed face first in poo.

    No reaction = very mature
    Pissing with laughter = very immature

    i dunno.

    i don't see how it matters.

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    • Jujudog

      Hmm my horn-helmeted friend, also a good analogy. However I would also see this one as measuring someone's sense of humour, I mean someone falling and landing face first in shit is just funny.

      No laughing - No sense of humour
      Pissing with laughter - Normal sense of humour

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      • Terence_the_viking

        Yeah i myself am so immature about 75% of the time.

        I laugh at fart noises all the time i can't help it i am sorry.

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  • Jujudog

    Maturity is measured in the length of time you spend each week giving your next door neighbour the two fingers, but only through the wall.
    0-60 minutes per week - Mature
    1-10 hrs per week - Less Mature
    11-168 hours per week - Not mature, but very cool

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    • I don't spend time giving my neighbors the finger. If I needed to do it I wouldn't do it through a wall.

      I spent more time giving my father the finger through a wall. I had, and will always have, authority issues.

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      • Jujudog

        Your poor father. I mean fuck the neighbours, right?
        So what did Daddy do so bad?

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        • Told me what to do...NOBODY tells me what to do.

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          • Jujudog

            My six year old is under the same impression ha! She's wrong!

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  • sandnigga

    Dont know if you can measure maturity lol


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