How frequent is normal?

I've been trying to quit masturbation, and it's as hard as balls, so I've been planning on retiring to a healthy state of masturbation so it is not obsessive, nor a struggle as an alternative. Quitting entirely has only led to relapses. I've been thinking that about twice a week is ok. How often do you think is good enough?

NOTE: Please do not answer with "whatever you feel like" because I want YOUR advice, and don't answer with "once or more a day" because that's what I'm getting away from.

Keep trying to quit. 0
Less than once a week. 2
Once a week. 1
2-3 times a week. 5
4-5 times a week. 8
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Comments ( 7 )
  • I don't understand why you would want to quit jacking off.

    It's very unhealthy not too and anyone who thinks it is immoral is delusional.

    If I don't jack off for a couple days I become irritable.

    Jacking off keeps peoples perverted behavior in line.

    I usually even jack off before hanging out with girls I like because it allows me to focus on hanging out and getting to know them instead of acting like a pervert.

    Jacking off keeps my mind off sex (and jacking off) so I can focus on more important things.

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    • IncludedSos

      I completely agree with everything that you're saying, which is why I no longer feel the need to quit. I just wanna tone it down a little.

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    • Holzman_67

      haha I'm the same if I haven't had a wank in a few days I start to leer at girls big time and I feel creepy for doing so.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    shaking hands with the minister of love frequently is i think more common than you realise, is it impacting your life in a negative way though?

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  • dom180

    But every day *is* normal. I'm not going to tell you what you want to hear if it's not true.

    Twice a week is normal too. Why do you need us to approve of your goals for you? They're yours.

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    • IncludedSos

      I used "normal" for lack of a better word. I'm trying to masturbate less than everyday because it makes me desperate to keep on masturbating, trying to get those three seconds of feeling good, often leading to me masturbating around 12 times a week. This also quickly turns into "procrasturbation" (masturbating instead of doing work). I feel I need people to approve my goals, because I don't really have anyone to talk about this with, because it's socially inappropriate and uncomfortable.

      However, I love that you'll use this answer this even if I tell you not too. Please continue to do that.

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  • Freedom_

    I wish I had the privacy to masturbate once a day. Or at least once a week.

    Once a day seems fine to me, but I guess it depends on why you're wean[er]ing yourself.

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