How high is my risk of corona?

For almost the past month now, I only go out 2 to 3 times a week, and for an hour or less every time. Every time I go out, I wrap my face up tightly in a scarf (since I couldn't find an official mask). And when I go out, it's always been to the grocery store (which isn't too crowded), or to my doctor (who aren't letting anyone in without taking temperature, and my doctor's office is not for Corona patients). So, at least I'm assuming, that my risk of catching Corona virus is not as high as those who are going out for like 4-8 hours a day (such as the cashiers at my grocery store), and that my risk is not as high as those who are out without a mask (which is still like half the people I see). And also, the town where I live has a population of 192,536 and now has 430 Corona cases. And like I said, I go out 2 or 3 times a week for about an hour or less each time to semi-uncrowded grocery store or doctor office while wearing a mask. I would think that my risks of catching it aren't too high. Except for one other thing, a few times, including today, when I've gotten back into my car I've taken my mask off and blown my nose before washing hands, but with a Kleenex in my car that no one but me has touched. I still wouldn't think that would put me in the same level of risk as those going out for hours not wearing a mask, or live somewhere where there is a higher percentage than 430 carriers in a town of 192,536. But anyway, state what you think, and mark in the box how high you think my risk is of catching it.

Almost no risk 7
Low risk 10
Medium risk 4
High risk 2
Dangerous risk 4
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Comments ( 53 )
  • bigbudchonga

    Mortality rate is tiny, dude. Don't worry about it.

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  • Boojum

    If you're going out at all, there's always some chance of you inhaling a microscopic droplet from an infected person's sneeze, cough or exhalation. It's debatable if your improvised face-mask is doing anything more than making you feel safer. Real face-masks have pores which trap virus-carrying droplets; the holes in ordinary cloth are too large to be effective in blocking and absorbing those microscopic droplets.

    In fact, your scarf-mask could conceivably be making it more likely you'll catch the virus. Say you come home from one of your trips and the scarf has trapped a few viruses and they're lurking happily on fibres that have been moistened by the droplets they rode in on. Unless you handle the scarf as potentially contaminated, it's possible you'll become infected by taking it off, picking up viruses on your fingers and then touching your eyes, mouth or nose.

    The official advice is that improvised masks can reduce the spread of the virus from those who have it to those who haven't yet caught it, but they're only a little better than nothing at all in preventing anyone from getting the virus.

    It is true that some of those who are infected have only mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. Like many things with this virus, the reason for this isn't yet clear, but it seems to be a lottery determined by genes, general health and possibly other issues such as the total number of viruses picked up during exposure. Some people have an immune system that deals with the viral invader quietly and efficiently; some people have an immune system which finds the virus challenging but ultimately possible to deal with; some unfortunate people have an immune system which fails to deal with the virus in the early stages of infection and then overreacts and starts attacking the body itself rather than the virus. Age and general health issues do seem to be an important factor in how survivable the virus is, but there have been very elderly people who have sailed through their infection, and healthy young people who have rapidly died of it.

    It is not at all clear just how widespread the virus already is, since most countries have faced huge problems instituting screening of their general population. The published infection rates at the moment are obviously only for those who have been tested, and in most places, the only people who have been tested are those who are known to have been exposed to the virus and those who have symptoms which are consistent with those of the virus.

    I recognise the figure your father mentioned of around 80% of those with the virus being asymptomatic. From what I've seen, the data behind that figure seems reasonably robust, but there have been other studies which suggest a much lower rate of asymptomatic infections.

    Everything is very much up in the air with this virus at the moment. Only large-scale antibody testing of populations will make it possible for researchers to come to firm conclusions about the spread of the virus, the number of asymptomatic cases and the true fatality rate. Unfortunately, that's only going to happen once the dust has settled.

    It's clear that an effective vaccine is some months away, and since the virus is so communicable, I think it highly likely I'll get the damn thing sooner or later. It's possible for me and my family to isolate, so we've been doing that for about six weeks now and we'll continue for the foreseeable future.

    Partly, we're doing that because it's the socially responsible thing to do, but it's also self-interest. The longer we delay our getting the virus, the more likely it is that effective treatment regimes will be developed, so the more likely it is that we'll get through the illness and survive without any long-term aftereffects.

    In spite of what some fools believe, COVID-19 is a very real threat to individuals and healthcare systems, and it's not "just like the flu" because it is so much more easily transmitted by those who appear to be perfectly well, there is no herd immunity due to vaccines and previous exposure, it's impossible to predict how a particular individual will deal with an infection and there are no well-established treatment regimes which can assist the body in dealing with an infection and recovering from it.

    Some degree of paranoia about infection is understandable, but it seems to me that the only rational way of dealing with this threat is to use credible, science-based sources to inform yourself about the best ways of reducing your possible exposure, take all the precautions you can in your particular circumstances, and hope for the best.

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    • I need to remember, some degree of paranoia is understandable, some. But me totally freaking out about it like I was a week ago was not benificial. Actually, constantly freaking out with severe worry will only run me down and probably weakin my immune system. I guess that the best mix is to remain calm and steady, yet careful and aware

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    • SmokeEverything

      The whole reason there's no "herd immunity" is the healthy people are all staying home. Theyd rather you get the vaccine because your natural immune system isnt profitable. Many people are going to refuse the vaccine.

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  • McSorley

    State what I think? Okay. I think you're a hypochondriac.

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    • I hope you are right. But some people on this page are saying I have a high risk of getting it. Plus, look at the numbers of how many people have it, only those are just the infected ones who have been tested. I hope that you are right, but what do you think about some of the other responders on this page?

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      • McSorley

        I mean, the way you're over-analyzing every little thing, seeking all this you obsess about your health a lot?

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        • Not usually this much. But after seeing how high the numbers are of those who have the Corona, seeing photos of all these Corona virus patients laying with tubes up their nose and looking deathly ill, and seeing how many deaths there have been, that's what has gotten me so worried now

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          • SmokeEverything

            You should turn off the TV. Wash your hands and whatever makes you feel more comfortable and stop tuning in to the 24/7 propaganda festival that they're trotting out over this. They want you to be scared so you keep watching TV and following government instruction. Fear of something doesn't stop it from happening.

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            • How do I erase from my mind that literally every celebrity who's caught the virus has either died or suffered serious pneumonia and told how they felt sicker than they ever have in their lives? Look at the site that mentions every celebrity who's caught it.

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  • Ellenna

    Unless everyone in your area has been tested you need to realise the 430 positive people could well be only a tiny percentage of people actually infected. There's also the issue of people who are infectious before they develop any symptoms.

    Keep doing what you're doing, including using handwash before you go into stores and after you come out.

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    • If there are alot of people who may have it but have little to no symptoms, that means that either all those carriers have it and are in that 2 week time period between picking up the virus and developing serious symptoms, or my dad may be right that some people get the virus and only have mild symptoms. But I didn't believe him on that. However, I also can't believe that something like 80% of people out there right now are in the middle of that 2 week period between picking up the virus and getting serious symptoms. Surely there must be some people, besides just young people, who get it and only have mild symptoms all the way through. I'm 45.

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  • SmokeEverything

    It's basically a dumb luck thing. I wouldn't worry about it though. The media is way overplaying this whole thing. Be more worried about the adgenda being put in place than the virus

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    • Mammal-lover

      You cant fix a sheep man

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      • What's that mean? You can't fix a sheep?

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        • Mammal-lover

          Ever heard of sheeple?

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    • I hope you are right. But how come there are a couple of people on this page not saying what you are? And that 2 people so far have marked my "high chance" category?

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      • Nikclaire

        I marked high chance because the prevelence of it is much higher than previously thought. The death rate however is vastly lower than what was claimed which I stated all along. This is good news. Relax.

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        • SmokeEverything

          Well I mean all it takes is for them to say "Lots of people probably had it and didn't have symptoms" and now they can say the actual infection rate is X million times the actual recorded amount. Numbers are completely different from different sources and im my area like 35% of deaths are unconfirmed maybes and the recovery number is just people who were discharged from hospitals.

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      • bbrown95

        Because people have different opinions, and some people are way more fearful of this than others.

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        • SmokeEverything

          The fear porn addicts out there are lapping this up. The ones who get mad at you for not being scared enough

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          • bbrown95

            I agree. The numbers for the US death rates don't look right at all, either.

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            • Yes, the death rates are actually much higher, aren't they? There's a site listing every celebrity that has caught it, and about half of them have died, and most of the rest have gotten pnuemonia, couldn't breathe, and told how they've felt sicker than they ever have in their lives. Please tell me I'm seeing things wrong.

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  • LloydAsher

    Seeing how Corona can survive on surfaces for days, can be spread through the air and have people just be carriers, I dont see how people like you think how they can be 100% sure they dont get coronovirus. If it's less than 100% likelyhood of contracting the Wuhan virus you need to make peace that you will get it and survive.

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    • I don't think it's 100% chance that I won't get it, I'm just hoping that the chance is low. Surely my chances are lower than someone who goes out more often than me and doesn't cover up. Otherwise, what's the point of me staying in more and not covering up?

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      • LloydAsher

        It's a very spreadable virus but not dangerous if you are a relatively healthy person.

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        • I asked you a question, are my chances of getting it just as high as someone who goes out more, doesn't wear a mask, and sees more people and touches more things while out than I do? If my chances are as high as theirs, what's the point then of me staying in more often and being as careful as I'm being?

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          • LloydAsher

            I'm telling you that by living the way you are you have delayed getting the virus not preventing it entirely. We are quarantine to slow the spread not stop it.

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            • Right. I guess that it would be stupid for me to start saying "what's the point in being careful if I'll get it anyway". I am very worried about getting it, that's why I've made this post. After seeing all those photos the other day of all those Corona virus patients laying back in hospital beds with tubes up their nose and really looking deathly ill, that's what has gotten me so worried now, asking these questions. I'm 45 too, not that young anymore

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  • jodi1955

    death rate is .03% and the odds of getting it are about 2%
    and the survival rate is over 99% this pandemic is really blown out of proportion.
    there should never of been a shut down or stay at home

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  • Hubbard


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  • ellnell

    Anyone can get it. There's people who lives alone and has been in quarantine for weeks who's gotten it from the groceries people brought them and there's people who's outside all the time who hasn't got it.

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    • Is there a way to sterilize those groceries so you can't pick the virus up that way also?

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  • Tommythecaty


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  • my_life_my_way

    You are massively over reacting to a virus that is essentially no worse than flu and you look like an idiot going out with your mask on.

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    • I'm not overreacting. Look at many other people's comments on here. Look at the death toll from Corona. Look at how many other people are saying that the real death toll is much higher than that. Look up the website which shows how literally about half of all celebrities that have caught Corona have either died or been seriously ill with pnuemonia from it. You not responding to me will just show that you now realize that I'm right and you were wrong. You haven't responded to my other comment. I would really like you to respond and prove me wrong with an intelligent convincing argument proving these points wrong so I can stop worrying about becoming deathly ill.

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      • McSorley

        Okay, here's an intelligent response and I want you to really think about it.

        You're only paying attention to the posts that say you're at a high risk of getting it. You're catastrophizing, which is a classic OCD/hypochondria symptom. You're watching news reports and obsessing over them. You're searching for reassurance constantly.

        Stop watching the news, stop watching shows that scare the shit out you, stop obsessing over what hasn't and probably will never happen. And don't ask me, "what do you mean PROBABLY will never happen? Does that mean there's still a 0.0001% chance I could get the 'rona?!!1one!!! I'll be that 0.0001%, I know it! I'll be the one with all the tubes hanging out of me!"

        The thing is, no matter what anyone on here says, you're going to go to bed tonight and continue worrying and thinking the worst. We're not doctors, we don't have crystal balls at the ready to predict who's going to get coronavirus. We all just have to take the necessary precautions and live life. You are obsessing, You probably have an anxiety disorder. I have a friend who has health anxiety and you sound identical to him.

        Not sure what else to say, it most likely won't do any good anyway.

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      • my_life_my_way

        There is no response to hysteria. Just look at the statistics yourself, a healthy person who is young or middle aged has more than a 99% chance of recovering with no hospitalisation. Also at the end of March, hospital data showed that 89.3% of corona patients already had underlying health conditions.

        As for the completely bogus statistic about half of celebrities being seriously ill or dead, even if that was anything close to reality (which it isn’t, celebrity death statistics will most likely be near identical to everyone else’s death statistics). A celebrity would be at a much higher risk than you due to the fact they are constantly travelling and meeting people, where as you probably hadn’t left your house long before this kicked off.

        Yes, there probably are many more deaths than the official number reported. However, the vast majority of unreported deaths come from care homes, where the residents are already extremely elderly and sick.

        The news and other media outlets need to sensationalise this virus and only show people who are dying on a respirator (even though that doesn’t reflect the reality) because they need to raise awareness and get people to treat this as more serious than it is for the sake of the people who are most vulnerable.

        You see a news report of someone who is 80 and who already had respiratory problems and flip your shit thinking it’s going to be you.

        If you still want some extra statistics: One New York health centre found that only 6% of corona patients had no chronic conditions. Under 50s have a less than 1% chance of death (and that 1% likely had underlying conditions). A healthy 70-79 year old has a 92% of surviving and recovering.

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    • Maybe you should read the long comment that Boojum said.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    All I know is they better find a way to either prevent it or cure it asap because lots of people will still die from it and I am a high risk person because my immune system is horrendous from a chronic illness.

    Let's hope for all our sakes

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  • olderdude-xx

    Overall the chances that you will get it is in the range of 80-90% in the next year.

    In the vast majority of cases you will only be mildly or moderately sick for a less than 2 weeks.

    Going by the latest statistics on hospitalization and death rates combined by 2 different studies that tested entire small towns for antibodies that says that at least 10 times as many people have it as the "positive" tests results show.

    Your chance of being sick enough to require hospitalization is in the range of 0.25%. Your chance of dying from it is in the range of 0.016% unless you are older than 60 years old and have other medical conditions.

    Life is full of risks. Disease and ill health is one of them. These statistics are so low that I suggest you not worry to much.

    For an example of one to worry about was MERS - which killed about 1/3 of everyone who got it. That got stamped out by very ridged quarantines before it spread far.

    A better comparison is the 1918 flu (which originated in the USA - but was called the "Spanish flu because it killed the king of Spain). It killed between 2.5-5% of the world population. The quarantine and emergency power laws that the Governors and other Officials are using were passed for the 1918 flu.

    Based on apparent statics of the day - people who moved their beds to the "parlor" room and opened the windows wide (the parlor room having more and larger windows than any other room in a normal house) survived better. They lived.

    The parlor room was in fact the "living room" - which is why all of the houses today have living rooms and not parlors anymore.

    Heating systems were henceforth designed to heat new houses with all the windows open (which did not really change in much of the USA until the 1960's and 1970's).

    Go out an enjoy life,

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  • LloydAsher

    Just accept the fact that you will probably get it and not die. The cure will not come in at least a year. The whole point of quarantine is to flatten the curve not stomp out the virus. After the peak theoretically we should be opening things back up because the economy needs it.

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  • Diaperdean

    I think at this point the pandemic is over and the whole thing is being blown out of proportion.

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  • TerriAngel

    My favorite new truck.
    The 2020. Dump trump.
    If he wins, you lose..

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