How long could you survive
If a terrorist group or a rogue nation set off nuclear blasts in your country, how long could you survive?
You'd need to stay in your home for a couple weeks, until the fallout settled. All utilities are out - power, water, electricity, etc. Your electronics, including electronics in motors, are all fried. Humans usually die without water for three days. You need at least 2 quarts a day to stay alive. When you emerge anarchy reigns, stores are getting cleared out fast and many people are murdered in the process. The fallout would get stirred up and radiation poisoning is likely if you are outside for long without protection.
Safest place is to lay low at your home. How long could you survive? Comment as to why you'd survive longer than the masses that would die.
3 days | 5 | |
1 week | 0 | |
2-4 weeks | 3 | |
2-3 months | 4 | |
4-6 months | 0 | |
6-12 months | 3 | |
Indefinately | 9 |