How long could you survive

If a terrorist group or a rogue nation set off nuclear blasts in your country, how long could you survive?

You'd need to stay in your home for a couple weeks, until the fallout settled. All utilities are out - power, water, electricity, etc. Your electronics, including electronics in motors, are all fried. Humans usually die without water for three days. You need at least 2 quarts a day to stay alive. When you emerge anarchy reigns, stores are getting cleared out fast and many people are murdered in the process. The fallout would get stirred up and radiation poisoning is likely if you are outside for long without protection.

Safest place is to lay low at your home. How long could you survive? Comment as to why you'd survive longer than the masses that would die.

3 days 5
1 week 0
2-4 weeks 3
2-3 months 4
4-6 months 0
6-12 months 3
Indefinately 9
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Comments ( 15 )
  • chained_rage

    I would survive forever.Because I am crafty. I would then became ruler of the world and even DuzTopia.

    I would live off the water in my geyser. I would eat other human beings. And to combat the radiation poisoning, I would wear protection. *puts on a condom*

    Yerp. I got this.

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    • 99999999999999999999999999

      i found a cannibal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mind blown

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  • BobbyTheBear

    .000000000001 seconds id give up on life after my phone stops working.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Probably for a while. I'm an optimist. And Im lactating so as long as I keep hydrated I can keep my children alive. I generally keep stores of food in my pantry. And I just went shopping so I have plenty of beer. :)

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  • green_boogers

    The most pleasant outcome is probably a morphine overdose. Why hoard rice, ammo, distillation equipment?

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  • Arm0se

    Ever since I was little I could talk people into doing shit for me. I'd probably become the leader of an after-apocalypse gang. If that doesn't work I'm also good at sneaking around, so I'd just do that. But really no matter how much you plan, you never know what's going to happen until you get there.

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  • Redcoats

    Indefinitely. I've watched doomsday preppers (:

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Hah, I doubt I'd even make it three days with the horrible drought that is going on in California right now, anyway.

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  • seekelp

    "You need at least 2 quarts a day to stay alive."

    Not strictly true. You can go about two days, but on average, that's how much a healthy person needs to drink. Clean water would be the big killer, for sure, but survival wouldn't be too tough where I live: there's both wood for fire and plenty of water around. The issue would be distributing it to all the people. My city's around 150k people, pretty small by most standards, but it would still require around 70 thousand gallons of clean water a day, just for drinking. We'd have to secure some sort of food supply, too. I'm in a part of the world where large-scale cultivation of cereal grain would be iffy. It's pretty wet and cold. While potatoes are an option, virtually all potatoes grown make use of fungicides. Without those, I don't really know how we'd sustain the population at its current size. Avoiding anarchy would be the best way to ensure survival, but that seems kind of tough.

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    • Yeah, you're right about the water. Two quarts is what you'd need to stay alive and active doing basic survival activities. Much less and you wouldn't be much help to yourself, but you may stay alive. But my main point was that if you had to stay in your home for a couple weeks until the fallout settled, you'd need to have about 7 gallons of water per person on hand just for drinking - an amount a lot of people wouldn't have without running water. So, they'd go outside to get water and get exposed to the radiation.

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  • VinnyB

    I would hope that I would be one of the lucky ones killed instantly in the initial blast.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    In all honesty, I'd die pretty quickly. I don't have much food or water at home and I don't have any useful skills that could help me survive.

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  • dinz

    Unfortunately not too long, I don't actually keep enough food at home as I normally shop regularly. I might need to revise this and keep an extra couple of non perishables in the larder.

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  • Well I have a field that's next to the woods where there is some wildlife, not to mention a huge container filled with water and a clean water stream there. Ther'es also a large metal building next to it. I'd feel pretty safe. I may take my chances trying to get to the shops to get extra supplies, though. I also know people with a lot of cows that are close family friends, so I don't think food would be an issue.

    Overall I think that I would survive quite a while. If we add risk factors such as being murdered rather than starvation or dehydration, then I think I would still have a good chance but obviously still a lower one.

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  • ltDuz

    I'd hit the streets and sell my gorgeous body for food. 50 calories for a friendly hug 200 calories for a blowjob and 1000 calories for the full monty, come right up ladies and gents!

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