How long do you play video games every day?
0-5 Mins | 7 | |
6-12 Mins | 0 | |
13-30 Mins | 2 | |
31-40 Mins | 1 | |
41 Mins-1 Hour | 3 | |
1 Hour-3 Hours | 29 | |
4 Hours or more | 33 | |
it varies everyday | 22 | |
I don't play video games | 18 |
Ask Your Question today
0-5 Mins | 7 | |
6-12 Mins | 0 | |
13-30 Mins | 2 | |
31-40 Mins | 1 | |
41 Mins-1 Hour | 3 | |
1 Hour-3 Hours | 29 | |
4 Hours or more | 33 | |
it varies everyday | 22 | |
I don't play video games | 18 |
You know these times are too small. It should have went Never, half an hour, an hour, a couple of hours, half the day, all day, all day and all night. You are clearly not a game. I don't see how anyone can play for a minute. It take longer to start the game!
I used to play about 6 hours a day, but after getting my current job, I don't really have the time or energy anymore. I chose 13-30 mins. :/
About 1 hour but I play a lot of video games every day and it's different with each.
On sunday I played on battlefield 3 for about 6 hours but I have been working since then and haven't had a chance to go on it again.
Most days, either no time at all or maybe five minutes here and there on my iPod. Maybe one day every week or two I'll play for two or three hours on the PS3 (if I'm alone) or Wii (if it's multiplayer), but that's it.