How long does it take you to get sick of a song?

I will estimate how long it takes me to get sick of a song. 13
I am uncertain. 14
I do not get sick of songs. 8
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Comments ( 7 )
  • randypete

    how long is a peace of string

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  • Walk

    Some songs I have listened to for many months or years and I don't get bored, some others may be weeks or days

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  • sega31098

    Depends on the song.
    When I was 16 in high school, it took only a few days for be to become a Justin Bieber hater because there was someone playing a music game with Justin Bieber - Baby very often.
    Some songs never get old.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It depends on the song. I'm more likely to get tired of pop songs than a rock song. I could listen to Atrey's Ex's and Oh's and never get tired of it.

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  • There are some songs that I would never get sick of hearing no matter how many times I hear them. Orka veer's music is so soothing to me, I listen to it continuously. It has to be a song I am in love with that means something to me to not get sick of it. If it is an okay song and it's played repeatedly I would definitely get sick of it.

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  • mypenisinyourmouth

    I have a song I have been listening to at least 10 times a day for roughly 8 years now

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  • flyingnostalgia

    About hearing it 60 times continually. But now i am talking about the songs i like.

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