How many $100 bills is usually normal to carry around?

Just wondering, I usually withdraw about $100 when I use the ATM: But seems like whenever I want my money out: It just gives me all $20s for this week? I mean, I can make 5 $20s last 2 weeks but how would you get bigger bills like $50s or $100s? And also: How many $100s is “normal” for one person to carry in their wallet?

5 = $500 0
1 = $100 6
3 = $300 0
4 = $400 1
2 = $200 4
6 or more = $600 or more in $100 bills 2
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Comments ( 9 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    I use to only use cash for years because I felt I could see how much money im spending and id spend less than the card. One day I lost my wallet with like $500 in a changing room. I wonder if it would have been turned in if there was no cash. I dont keep more than $50 in cash anymore in my wallet.

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    • bbrown95

      This is what has always concerned me about carrying large sums of cash. Cards can be canceled and you can file a dispute with your bank, but once cash is gone, it's nearly impossible to get back. I don't carry very much in my wallet anymore, either.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Its crazy because I dont feel old but I remember we used to need some cash when I was growing up. Now you barely need it to buy drugs or stuff on craigslist. Everyones got venmo or cashapp or crypto wallets now. Cash is dying out. So is your anonymity in what you purchase.

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  • ospry

    A general rule of thumb is to carry as many hundreds as the total dollar amount you're carrying

    For example, if you're carrying $100, then plan to have 100 hundred dollar bills in your wallet

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  • Biggles

    "Zero" was missing, and is the correct answer.

    A $100 bill is a PITA. Absolutely nobody wants them - they're a pain to break, get counterfeited, and you end up killing someone's cash drawer. You can't even spend them in some places, where $50 is the max denomination. Carry some $20s.

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  • P4g31-1

    0. I carry 0. Fiat is useless

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  • Kermitthehog

    I never carry more cash than I know I need for the specific task I left my home to do.

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  • raisinbran

    $0 is normal unless you have a specific use for it (like paying a contractor, buying something from a small shop with a credit card limit, etc.), or you're too financially illiterate to have a credit card.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I often have several hundred dollars on me (50's & 100's) and may have a lot more if I am buying something specific.

    I generally operate on the concept that if I don't have the money on me - then its likely not needed (unless its an emergency). I paid off about $45,000 in CC debt using that rule between about 20 and 15 years ago.

    A $50 or $100 often settles modest situations quickly and you can walk away without worry.

    Note that there this money is rarely in my wallet.

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