How many beers does it usually take to get you drunk?

Lets say you were drinking 5% canned beers. How many of those does it take to get you drunk (not buzzed) in a span of one hour?

0-2 Beers 95
3-5 Beers 391
6-8 Beers 309
9-11 Beers 150
12-14 Beers 55
15+ Beers 51
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Britton

    Whoever said they can drink 12-14 beers in an hour is full of shit...9-11 is probably HIGHLY unlikely....

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    • taciturn

      You've never met a tank? There are people out there who are nearly invincible to liquor.

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  • Unimportant

    define "drunk"...

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  • Megid

    0 beers.

    I've never drank enough beers to get drunk.
    Beer sucks.

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  • karmasAbich

    I don't usually drink just to get drunk but on the occasio.ns that I do, it usually takes 4-5 beers ha

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  • wigsplitz

    This is why I don't like to drink beer, too much volume! I just do plain shots. I try for around 6 to 8 and hour, but I don't even remotely start to feel drunk untill about 2 1/2 to 3 hours of drinking. I don't bother to drink unless I am going to get drunk.

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  • Darkoil

    Ive done the power hour with 4 cans of stella and 4 cans of strongbow. I wasn't exactly drunk but I felt like I was gonna burst lol. Usually though I have about 10 cans in a period of 2-3 hours before going out.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I don't drink.

    I recently had some wine and I felt like I was high, but then again I was really ill at the time.

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  • Archerourpark

    A lot of people don't drink that often, there are some important factors that contribute to how you feel after drinking.

    - the amount you drink (seems obvious only might be a bit tricky if you start drinking different mixes and or other units)
    - your body size (the bigger / more mass you are/ have the less fast you get drunk)
    - your body composition (the more fat you have thus the more water you have, you will get drunk quicker, this is also why women usually get drunk faster)
    - the amount and what food you have eaten (eat a good meal before going out but not chrisps (chips for you americans) or anything else that doesn't act like a sponge, you can better choose bread)
    - drink water in between drinks (alcohol drains your body water level so as not to feel too dehydrated drink water or any non alcoholic drink in between alcoholic drinks)

    I hope I have given you all enough information
    Have a good day and don't drink too much on new years eve.

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  • Faceless

    Who the fuck gets drunk in an hour? This poll is bullshit.

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    • Actually, a lot of people can get drunk in an hour.

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    • karmasAbich

      Alcoholics anonymous. I recommend it.

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