How many genders are there?
Don't over think it. Just vote and don't get pissed in the comment section. Spoiler alert I think there's only 2.
One | 3 | |
Two | 96 | |
3-100 | 19 | |
Infinite | 22 |
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Don't over think it. Just vote and don't get pissed in the comment section. Spoiler alert I think there's only 2.
One | 3 | |
Two | 96 | |
3-100 | 19 | |
Infinite | 22 |
There are caucasians who say they identify as black.
There's a guy who tried to get his age legally changed from 69 to 49.
There is a woman in Norway who think she's a cat.
To all of that, I say Bullshit!
You sir are an idiot. There are people born with both genitalia. What do you call that? Also some children have a seemingly non-functional vagina sewed up when they are young because they also had a penis at birth. Years later they identify as female but are now left with a dick they don’t want. What gender is that? I understand your belief that things are black and white but with evolution their are variances that don’t fit your Text book categories.
I think it's very comparable. Just because a human feels like a cat, that doesn't make her a cat. Just because a man feels like a woman, that doesn't make him a woman.
If a biological male wants to be a biological woman and then have that validated then why can't someone claim to be a different race on the inside?
OH right! Can you imagine a white dude trying to be black? What a crazy idea!
Now the age change - I would think a lot of folks under 21 would be trying to legally change their age TO 21 or over.
The norway woman - Is she a, is she a, crazy cat lady? HUUUUU HU HU HU HU
2. If you don't feel like either male nor female applies to you then just be who you are, no need to make a whole new gender smh. Just break the traditional gender roles of your gender then. The new genders is just a way to feel unique for those kids who are probably insecure and looking for a way to sound original or jump on any new trend that comes along.
It's funny because it's usually those people who doesn't like labels, yet they constantly make up new ones to apply to themselves. They preach for breaking gender roles for examples let men wear makeup yet if they personally are men who likes makeup they suddenly don't wanna call themselves men but something new and snowflakey instead. It's just cringy at this point and contradictory.
As a man with a vagina let’s just say it’s complicated and not try to figure it out yeah?
Your seriously intersex? If that's the case I don't think you have fully functioning genitals from both genders.
Every fetish is turning into a sexual preference. I don't get selling sexual preferences or gender identity as if these things are personality traits.
Sometimes there are two. Sometimes there is one. Sometimes there are one and two at the same time.
Biologically, two
U got male n female, sometimes u have both but that’s just considered having two genders
Now if u feel differently about ur own, it’s fine u can say that and act that way, but like I said as humans on planet earth there’s two main ones
Two main ones as in u have a dude and a gal and they’re supposed to mate. What u say socially is a whole other thing, there u should be able to act how u feel and you’ll possibly make up other genders, which are not set in nature originally
When he says biological I think @Well is talking about physical sex. Not how you indentify. Also biologically there is 3 if you think about intersex.
Eh, gender is a spectrum. Society is complicated. Let people be whatever they want.
I'm not joking. It's not like nonbinary / transgender identities are something liberals invented.
I never said it was something liberals invented. Its not. It is stupid though. Gender is very much binary.
Merriam Webster says gender is "the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex."
"Behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits" don't sound very binary to me.
They changed it to be politically correct instead of biologically correct. The DSM-5 has gender dsyshpohia as a mental disorder so if were going with 'official' sources than transgender people are seriously mentally Ill.
There has been studies on other countries showing that the MORE egalitarian a country is, the LARGER the gender differences are in terms of profession a certain behavior traits. If gender is merely a social construct than the differences would get smaller.
i might get shit but personally i believe in 2 technical genders but 3 gender identities, there male and female obviously which a person could switch or feel comfortable the way they were born and then i believe in a third gender identity of non-binary. there’s not a lot of research on it yet but gender dysphoria is experienced with it, i know multiple people who have identified this way i choose to respect, love, and try to understand and get her information as much as i can
Biologically, there's male, female, and intersex which is some cross between the two.
All of these new genders are just different types of personalities, with varying balances between more traditionally masculine and feminine characteristics.
People's need to call personalities genders is rooted in the small-minded, and ironically rather old fashioned assumption that a person's personality, preferences, and hobbies, etc, must always be largely grounded in their biological sex.
That's not to say that biological sex doesn't often affect personality, because it clearly does for many people. But all that means is that being masculine or feminine is just having typical qualities that males or females have respectively, but alone does not make one a male or female.
Also, the whole thing with gender politics and what not comes across as hypocritical to me. They say, "Gender doesn't matter", but the importance that they place upon it is evidenced by their need to identify themselves by gender, or the lack thereof.
Imo, something as complex as a human being shouldn't be so defined by something as basic as gender. Yeah, you're a man, or yeah, you're something else. But that doesn't really tell me much about you as a person. I couldn't guess most of your interests, and I couldn't tell if you were a decent person.
I agree mostly. Man don't have to be masculine women, but a feminine man is not a woman, they are a feminine man.
My only other biff is that I wouldn't call intersex a gender. That's a disorder.
Semantics. But I think people should just call intersex people whatever gender they pick. It'd be a pain to always have to explain being intersex. Nobody except a doctor or someone they may sleep with needs to know the in-betweens of their situation, unless they want it to be that way.
I’m gonna day 3 female, male and “other”.
Also why did you chose 3-100 as an option? I’m yet to see anyone argue for 100 genders, but some people think there are 3 and others think it’s more like 8 and it would have been interesting to see the difference.
Lol. But isn't their infinite? What if I don't feel like what I am? Isn't identity subjective? Palehorse says so!
I am transgender myself, male to female.
Here is the thing about these "infinite" genders - young people have time to obsess over trying to be unique or whatever. Everyone thinks they are special. They are not.
So what is my thought on gender? I cannot figure out why some people worry or even care how someone else wants to live.
Well the reason I care, is because poeple get mad at me when I act like there's only two genders or that you can't switch. So YOU can do whatever you want and believe whatever you want about sexuality, but when you force is on me that's a problem. For example, I consider you a man.
I do not think there is this mob of transgenders banging on your door ans asking for acceptance. We tend to be rather selective about who we associate with.
Or maybe...
IS someone getting into your personal life and telling you to accept TGs?
Some males are going to present and live as females AND some females will live and present as males. Don't like it? Tough shit.
Usually their the ones getting upset not me. I never said there was a bunch of trans people trying to force it one me, I'm just telling you what I think.
So essentially, I don't care what you think or what you do. I'm not trying to get you to admit your not a girl or stop hormones or whatever. I'm not trying to change you, I'm just not gonna change MYSELF to cater to someone elses delusion.
Cause there is a very small delusional group of people who believe it's their bodies that are wrong not thier brains.
Gender and sex were originally created in the lexicon to be interchangeable. So yes there are only two.