How many guys

And be honest. We wont tell. Guys have you been home, your wife or gf not home and so you decide to try on some of her panties or lingerie or just something of hers ? Im thinking there are way more out there that have but havent told her. But you can tell us. (We can keep a secret).

Nope, never that curious 8
I tried it and yes i admit i got aroused somewhat. 3
Nope, i havent had the chance, i have wanted to tho 1
Yes i tried it, did nothing for me. 0
I tried it and really felt good so i kept doing it. 2
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Wryladradofft

    It's better to just buy your own lingerie. That way you don't have to go through all the trouble of finding a gf

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    • Boojum

      Of course, it used to be that guys who were into this and didn't have a wife or girlfriend (or live with a sister or their mother) would go around stealing women's underwear off clotheslines.

      I have wondered if it's merely a coincidence that the increase in the use of driers was followed only a few years later by the development of the internet and online shopping where any guy can buy lingerie without being embarrassed.

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  • hoodjapan


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  • RoseIsabella

    I had a boyfriend do that when I was in college, and I didn't like it.

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