How many of you are afraid/shy/paranoid to post comments?

My pick is the first choice.

I am just wondering if any of you feel this way too.I love this site and stumbled upon it a year ago I keep coming back because I am a weirdo of course,I love reading all the stories and I do read most of them if not all. I read and pay attention to the other users comments and I recognize alot of them I can "sort of" tell whos been here longer and what not.So I'm very familiar with the site but i'm STILL too shy to comment I Rarely comment but have in the past a few times. I feel like you all know each other LAWL anyway I guess I'm trying to say.I really enjoy this community and am I a creep because i'm not really "apart" of it? comments? (Omg i'm getting scared lol) just wondering how many other of you feel this way too.

Yes it will give me away! ppl can't know i come to this site 11
No Don't really care at all 9
Yes -other reason (post below please) 9
No lol are you !@#$ kidding? 5
No? 3
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Comments ( 19 )
  • shade_ilmaendu

    Sometimes. Even on here, there are certain things I'm shy to bring up or talk about, sometimes I'll pass up commenting something because of that.

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  • charli.m

    I was shy at first, and there are still some areas I don't feel comfortable discussing on here - so I don't.

    You can control the level of your involvement, which is a good thing.

    It would be lovely to have your contributions, too :) That's part of what makes this a great site - different people coming forward with their opinions.

    For me, I've grown up being told that my opinion is unimportant, and that I have nothing worthwhile to say. So I found it very hard at first, and I still do from time to time. You're not alone in that. It seems like there must be hundreds of users who don't comment, which is fine if that is their decision, but if you want to, then it would be great to have you join in :)

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  • dappled

    I'm always aware of the people on the site who read and don't post. I used to be one of you. For the best part of three months, I think. Occasionally I write things specifically directed at you, to try to say hello and that I know you are there.

    Avant-Garde is a better example of someone who turned from long-time reader to a poster and I personally am very glad she did. She's an interesting person. I'd hate to think she'd have been out there all that time and we never got the chance to know her.

    I have no problem with people being just readers (you're not a creep, by the way) and there must be people out there who know us from our comments and are yet afraid to say hello or to be part of this interactively. If you want to be part of it interactively, say hello. I can think of a dozen people to say hello to; people who are always nice and welcoming.

    If you don't want to do that, though, that's okay. I know there are people out there who know me and yet I know nothing about them. Maybe you even know what pyjamas means. You don't have to say hello, but I'm always going to like it if you do. :)

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  • No not really. I post things on here that would give me away in real life if anyone I knew ever stumbled upon IIN and read certain comments of mine. Sometimes I might second guess a comment I'm about to make because it might sound creepy but I usually just go ahead and post it in the end.

    Anyways, you should comment more! :D *takes out cookie* Come on. *waves cookie* ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

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  • kupokupo

    I haven't been here long and I was pretty scared to comment at first. It's ok, just keep trying to get to know people. Try to make conversation :) you'll find that the people here are actually really welcoming and lovely and not in any way scary.

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  • dom180

    I think a lot of people felt a bit like that (to various extents) when we started. It's normal, and if you want to talk to us we'll be happy to talk to you :) Most of us like it when people talk to us ^_^ The more the merrier! :)

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  • The threads that hit closest to home for me, I rarely ever post in.

    But then again I don't post in a lot of threads so you'd never know which ones were avoided out of apathy and which ones weren't.

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  • Mellifluous

    I'm not really a part of it either. I've only been paranoid in case my comment offends someone and they lash out at me. But nobody really talks to me on here, so I just post my comment and move on!

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  • NotFloydzie

    Aww. Don't be like that. You're not a creep and you're not a weirdo. There's nothing to be afraid about out here. Seriously, don't be shy. Join us!

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  • Chaosmuffin

    People would already know about me due to my name :P

    Oh crap.. Lol

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  • People commenting on my post, oh yeah

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    • bananaface

      Hello:D How are you:)?

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      • Hey! I'm good

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        • bananaface

          Good:D! You feeling any better about commenting now? You really should join in, you seem like a cool person, you have nothing to worry about:).

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          • I will thank you now that I see I'm pretty much belong here.
            p.s you seem coolier haha :P

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  • Nope. I'm just perrrrrfect.

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  • i am anonymous so i dont care but there was a time when my account was accessed at work so i changed my username cause i was shy about my comments

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    • dappled

      Eekems! :(

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    I don't really care about commenting. My biggest secrets are in the anonymous stories. I figure if someone discovers me through my comments, which doesn't seem all that likely, so be it. Everyone knows I'm weird anyways.

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