How many of you are virgins
be honest, no one will judge you. its just a question
virgins | 1335 | |
not a virgins | 744 |
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be honest, no one will judge you. its just a question
virgins | 1335 | |
not a virgins | 744 |
I'd seriously like to know what kind of guidelines the mods use to approve posts.
Implying that they have any which they follow. I have a theory that there is not really moderators. That they judge the content based purely on the votes by the gold members. If enough gold members approve it goes through. Since anyone can buy gold what gets approved is subjective. This is probably saving management a lot of money.
This has been asked multiple times and everytime the virgins outnumber the non...just to save you some time here.
There are good things about being a virgin.
1)You can't get STDs.
2)You can't get pregers. You can't get some girl pregers.
3) You don't have to spend a ton of $$ on condoms, patches and pills.
4) You don't need an expensive opertation. (There are several kinds that prevent unwanted pregnacies.)
...think of it this way...I'm a 53 year old guy with a girlfriend, yet I'm still a virgin, and will remain that way unless and/or until I get married...Yes, there are definitely double standards, but I really don't care...I won't have to deal with children that I cannot see or STD' AIDS...and, though someone may have you to believe bad reputation (I once told a guy that I was a virgin...his question to me wha "What rock have you been living under?")...I wouldn't necessarily often bring the subject out in public, but, if asked, I'm not afraid of telling anyone (of either sex) the truth.
Virgin** you mean lol, yes I am. I see nothing wrong with it,some people make a big deal if you still are..its silly
Why the heck did I get 2 thumbs down for this? Something wrong with enjoying sex?
i really wish i was older and had a gf. then i would be on the non virgin side. i wish i could experience the vagina to put my dick into.
I'm surprised at the number of responses and the number who are virgins.
We're all writing to and answering forums on the internet, of course we're virgins.
Yo people, in the Bible, (i'm not being religious here,) people should not have sex here unless ur married. Just sayin'.
I'm not a virgin.
My first time was over 2 years ago. My now EX and I usually had sex twice a month(MUCH to my dismay. Turns out I'm a horny girl). He didn't want to have sex for the first year of our relationship. He just didn't desire it. At one point it had been over 2 months without sex.
Now I'm single and haven't had sex for 4 months. It didn't matter as much when I was a virgin. Now that I've experienced sex, I feel frustrated. I can't masturbate because I can't get over the whole "Fucking myself" thing. I have sexy dreams and when I wake I start grinding against the pillow I hug at night, fruitlessly.
Unfortunately, I need love for sex, so it may be a while.
most of the people showing disadvantages of sex or the ones pulling out a huge story about why there not virgins probably means there virgins. pussy is great guys, just grow a pair, get out of the basement jerkin all the time to playboy, and get some ass.
I find it kinda funny how all the top comments are people swearing to virginity, like there's something wrong with us heathans who got laid.
THAT TAKES 2 LONG 2 WAIT FOR MARRIGEONLY VIRGNIS ARE SAYING THIS .get laid and stop saying that .and if u want to go all holy then dont get tattos, dont get pericing, dont die ur hair,dont paint ur nails.i thought so
19 and proud of it. Plan on losing it though when i pop the question to the girl i'm with right now :P
i believe everyone is a virgin even if u have had sex. i think if you feel like being a virgin then ur a virgin
Haha, 396 losers who suck at life. You fools need to get up on some craigslist or something and just get laid. Get a damn hooker.
I'm a virgin. I have been offered, to put it bluntly, to have sex, although two offers were by people that sleep around with anybody.
I'm a very lazy person, you usually have to establish some sort of feelings and show you have feelings to "get laid" and I'm just too lazy to do the chasing for a sex partner.
I'll probably be a virgin up to my late twenties to be honest. The only thing that I find negative about me being a virgin is that when I'm asked and tell people I am, I usually have to go through the whole "What, you're a virgin? No way" stage, which is irritating because it just drags everyone around to focus in.