How many of you feel like you have connectedness?

Having the strength of connectedness means that you have faith in the unity and connections of the universe. You believe most everything happens for a reason and you have a natural love for humanity. You realize that by hurting others you are essentially hurting yourself. Personal connections between friends, spouses, family and even acquaintances feel very strong and you can sometimes subconsciously predict their needs, pain, moods or thoughts even from a distance.

It doesn't necessarily mean you are very social or have a lot of friends, but that you can feel a spiritual connection and togetherness to the human race and universe even when you are alone. You are intuitively considerate of others and the importance of their existence and the actions they take.

You may or may not have heard of StrengthsQuest, but a few years ago a took this strengthsfinder test in a college class and connectedness was my 5th top strength and my favorite. In fact, I was the only one in my class of 40 people who even had this strength (in their top 5), so I was just wondering how common these traits are.

I do, proven by StrenghtsQuest 0
I think I do from researching. 2
I feel like I do 8
Need to think about it more... 3
No, I'm disconnected. 14
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Comments ( 36 )
  • suckonthis9


    The universe is not connected, nor is it a unity. The universe consists of space and a multitudinous number of quarkenergy and massenergy particles, and there is no physical connection between these.
    To have faith, means 'to trust'. Trust is a learned behaviour between some sentient and ethical life forms. It is impossible to trust something that does not exist.

    Most everything does not happen for a reason. Only a very, very tiny amount of events in the universe happens as a result of reason. Reason is limited to sentient and ethical life forms that have developed reasoning ability. Nearly all events in the universe occur as a result of interactions between quarkenergy and massenergy particles.

    Spirits do not exist. Everything in the universe has physical properties, including space.
    Should you wish to refute this, then please describe any physical property of this / these so-called spirit(s).

    Humans are not a race. Humans are a clade.

    The universe is not together. The universe is actually quite widespread and diffuse.

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    • spaghettifrier

      In the universe there is much that is not discovered by the human "clade." Consider "dark" energy/matter for example. And that is just one example. It is impossible for you to know what you cannot see and what you cannot sense, but it seems most likely that humans do not have infinite senses, or senses enough to perceive all that is the universe. Just as a fish cannot learn chinese, nor conceive of its existence. And perhaps fish know or are aware of something humanclade is not, in fact it is certain. We cannot know the subjective experience or lack thereof of any being or thing or even empty space

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      • Tommythecat.

        Dark energy exists. I've had a great deal of contact with it in the past, it's terrible stuff and is as real as can be.

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        • spaghettifrier

          To clarify, "dark" energy is called such because it is not understood. It is an unknown. Point being, as long as there is mystery, there is much to be imagined and it's not logical to imagine that there is not more to existence than what we have been able to define and quantify

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          • Tommythecat.

            Yeah dark energy is a bit confusing for me, I'm not exactly in the know of astro physics lol. But yeah ofcourse there is more, I never said that human beings know everything. I don't think anyone has.

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            • spaghettifrier

              ah, sorry that wasn't meant to be directed toward you. didn't realize you were different user than the first commenter, who says "Incorrect." and suggests that there is nothing in the universe outside of what humans have so far successfully defined.

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      I'm not talking about spirits, silly, but they are largely consist of the physical element known as alcohol.

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      • suckonthis9


        So you have an alcoholic connection to humans and the universe, whether you are alone or not, then.

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  • peoplearewatching

    I love Peanut Butter

    I hear Coffee

    I smell water

    Therefore I am

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  • mismatched_puzzle_piece

    MY personal belief- everything happens by chance there is always a percentage behind things that happen. life is one big math problem, its unsolveable but i say the answer is 7

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    This is true. Everything is all connected. Everything you do will indirectly effect something else in the world. However understanding this does not make me love humanity anymore. This rule goes for all things.

    Money, people, animals, the planet, society, the environment. People think we are so different but we just do the same shit on another land formation, we all have land, all live under a government, all have a military, are sent to war, all have to survive and adapt to our environments, are all effected by weather and can all be killed if for some reason something bad happens in the galaxy and decides to destroy our planet, its orbit, or crucial orbiting planets. A solider fighting for Germany is no different than the man fighting for Russia.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I am not familiar with strengthsquest but you basically described the people closest to me. The world fits together in amazing ways. I'm not sure why more people don't notice.

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      They don't notice because they distract themselves with electronic devices, facebook, sex, etc. And I guess it comes more naturally to some than others. I feel like this website would draw in people who feel the connection. One of the suggestions they give is to get a pen pal or do something that can allow you to interact with people from around the world.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I suppose sometimes.

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  • youareaghost

    I'm pretty intuitive. By listening, watching, and I guess, just feeling, I am immediately aware of people. I wouldn't call this connected-ness.

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  • thegypsysailor

    How disappointing. You skewed your poll.
    I do not feel disconnected from anything, but just because I don't have any knowledge or interest in your StrengthsQuest, then I am disconnected in your opinion.

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      I didn't mean to make it about StrengthsQuest. It's just that the test is how I learned about it. I was the only person in my class of 40 people to have this strength and it was the only strength out of 34 that only one person had in their top 5 strengths. Every other strength was assessed in at least 3 other people. Hell it was 5th on my list so it's not even my strongest strength (which is ideation).

      I'm just curious as to what kind of people have connectedness and I have been for years. You don't have to take the fucking test, that's why I explained it.

      Furthermore, seafaring friend, I think you need to take a break. You're getting arrogant.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Ok, thanks for the advice. I'll run right out and get that rest, now. Where does one buy it, again?

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  • Energy

    Yes! I honestly think it's more of a spiritual thing though.

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  • dom180

    I do feel that way very much. I know I feel very connected. I don't necessarily think that always comes with the extreme ability to empathise though - I believe that is different to connectedness. I certainly understand that I, like everyone, am part of a society and I do love humanity unconditionally even though I can't say I can predict people's thoughts from a distance or anything. I'm a bit sceptical about that one. It seems too much like mind-reading :P

    StrengthsQuest honestly sounds interesting. I'm not going to pay for it though. Maybe one day, if I have enough money and I'm interested then.

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      Yeah I don't think that is part of strengthsquest's definition, just my own. I feel like it is part of connectedness, although i know people who have these experiences but also have a borderline hate for humanity...

      I'm glad you feel connected though! It's not very common. From what i know about you i would certainly say this is one of your strengths.

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  • driedroses

    I feel like I alternate between feeling really connected and really disconnected. I'm sad now, because I really want to sign up for StrengthsQuest, but I don't want to pay for an access code and don't know how to get a free one. :(

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      Yeah, I don't think there's any way around that. Buying the book/access code was a requirement for the course I took, but it was well worth it. What you learn about yourself is valuable and it has stuck with me for years. I feel like it has continually reassured my purpose. God, I feel like a fucking advertisement. I am not an actor, I'm a spokesperson.

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      • suckonthis9

        Are you telling the deity that you feel like you're in a pornographic advertisement?

        Please name the deity to which you are referring.

        It is lucky for you that the creatures who you might or might not perceive as deities (although they insist that they are not), have a sense of humour.

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        • myboyfriendsbitch

          Yeah, i like Facebook God too.

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          • suckonthis9

            I can find only some references to a deity on the Facebook Website, but I am unable to find any references to a deity named "Facebook".

            Would you please provide instructions to find information on this deity named "Facebook".

            Thank you.

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      • driedroses

        LOL. I'll see about it then. :)

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      • Did it hurt?

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        • myboyfriendsbitch

          Did what hurt?

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