How many of you find fat people unnatractive?

GIRLS- Overweight people are unattractive 285
GIRLS- I prefer overweight people 22
GIRLS- Overweight people have an equal chance 208
GUYS- Overweight people are unattractive 340
GUYS- I prefer overweight people 29
GUYS- Overweight people have an equal chance 128
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Comments ( 68 )
  • mingcongITN?

    weight matters to som people but really it doesnt matter if you hav a really nice personality, confidence and other stuff guys/girls lik and want

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    • 12kc34

      There was this girl at school for me, and she had an alright face and she was pretty big. When someone is mean, they look uglier over time to me, and vice versa. So after I had known her for a while, her face looked a descent amount prettier to me, but I had seen her stomach. It had a big hang, and the belly looked really gross. So when she made a pass on me, I dodged it. The things is, she is nice enough to where she deserves a guy, and her face is definitely descent, but her body is just too big of a turnoff. So I'm sorry but sometimes weight is just too nasty.

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  • Acually theres a town in Africa that every single guy there like there wemen overwieght.They make there wives get even heavyier! because fat or obiese can be buetiful.Theres nothing wrong with a girl with a big but and boobs.Just because they don't look like a pole dose't mean were pretty or hot.

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  • Missy21

    I find alot of big girls have prettier faces than the skinny ones but the fact that they are overweight noone really takes a look at them its sad really lol

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    • jussayin

      not always true

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  • geek_god_101

    I'm sorry but obesity is not attractive but a sign of wreckless health.

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  • never_born86

    Big girls are ok with me.

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  • Racoon

    Okay with the shallow shit about people who don't like overweight people . STOP FUCKING LYING TO YOURSELF! YOU KNOW THAT IT'S NOT FUCKING AWESOME TO BE FAT.

    don't start to hate yourself for being ''bigger'' but I think that we try so much to be politically correct that we ''let'' them be that way!! It's dangerous for your health for fuck sake!

    I know it's harsh but you have to make drastic changes in your lifestyle all together to be healthy and fat people think it's only hard for them to keep up on a strict diet but it's hard for slim people too!

    I'm doing alot of exercise and eat healthy to avoid diabetes and cardio-vascular complication. Not to look slim, that just come with it. And that's the reason why I think we should stop ''encouraging'' fat people to make them fee better about them self because it's more for their health than their image!!!

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  • Ahiam

    I like girls that are skinny but aren't so skinny that I can see there bones, but not to be offensive but I would never date a fat girl. That is probably because where I live if your fat you have no teeth and probably do meth, man I hate my town.

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  • WiseGuy1000

    I like my girls a bit chubby, no idea why.

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  • Bosco

    Depends on how big. There are MANY overweight women I'd love to go down on.

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  • Looks like the guys are more shallow than the girls.

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    • FocoUS

      Aren't they normally?

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      • I always thought it was equal amongst male/female, and rampant amongst youth.

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        • jussayin

          yup, yup

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  • anon123

    I fall in love with the person, not their body.

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    • Uzzie101

      Stop that. You're human, yes? Then someone's apperance plays a role in how attractive you find them, AND whether or not you love them. It's biology, and no matter how desperately you want people to think you're "deep" or "unshallow", it's how we work.

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    • Nokiot9

      Gtfoff ur high horse. Appearance plays a role in everyone's attraction.

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      • slings_and_arrows

        Why necropost? They don't reply back.

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  • my_life_my_way

    as long as they're rich I don't care

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  • daydreamer394

    It depends how overweight they are.

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    Well, I really don't like overweight guys. Actually, I prefer my guys thin, but not athletic at all. Maybe if he looked cute chubby.

    But as for people in general, no. I do not like fat.

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  • fdmcerberus

    I like me a big ol stack of flapjacks with tons of butter and syrup!

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  • jessicia16

    WHY are there always polls asking if fat is attractive or not ? ITS TOTALLY DISCUSTING!! it always will be , no matter how many poll's the fat people post .. FAT Is an illness same as anorexia or puss warts dripping from your face .... if the day comes when 50% of our population has puss warts dripping from our face .. it will STILL be discusting

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    • maniktwin

      I've not seen or heard the word "disCusting" before. Is English your second language? Or have you created a new language all together?

      If you are going to be righteously indignant, spell correctly. There's help for people who "ain't too smart," just especially for you.

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  • imtherealpandabear



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  • jon87

    Ok if you marry them for their body then when they get fat (99% chance they will) you will not like them anymore. Better to marry your fat best friend than some supermodel. If you are fat and/or sickly and want to be well google "mucusless diet healing system" and don't dis it till you try it.

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  • nymphetaminegirl420

    ssbbw!!! lol that is what i wanna be. I got my bhm and am super happy

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  • moonpie

    To be honest I think most people I see, girls and guys look pretty cute, no matter what size they are I usually always find something cute I like about anyone! Whether it is how they act or look I love everyone if they are nice to me. :D

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  • Not everyone can be twigs.

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  • DivineDeception

    Who the fuck cares? Be who you are, as long as your not harming anyone. Or eating yourself to suicide.

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  • jamie1972

    Fat people are fucking disgusting

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    • I think ignorant people like you are "fucking disgusting".

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      • queen_bee_520

        Big girls need lovin too!

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  • I'm not saying that you have to starve yourself and be a twig, but when you are fatter than the average person you should really try to figure out why. I find fat girls unattractive because they don't care about their bodies and I personally think that it's a huge turn off.

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    • How "fat" are you talking about? I care about my body, but I'm a bit overweight. Not hanging saggy yucky fat, but firm, robust?

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  • luicyyou

    Gawd even though its really sad its just natural I mean you just dont want to look at fat people

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  • TheTodd11

    Some of them are just lazy, and i feel sorry for the ones that can't help it.... But yea for the most part unattractive

    Example, A high school friend of mine always wanted me, she had a very attractive face but the weight turned me off..

    Sersiouly if she lost about 150lbs she'd be a hottie!!!

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  • tygeronherbed

    i dont neccasarily think all fat people are unattractive. i just know i WOULD BE if i got fat. i never want to look in the mirror and see a big fat version of myself...but i dont hold it against other people.

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  • ChellaOne

    Thats funny I have been married now for 12 yrs we have been through alot ! I was a size 9-10when I got married and I am a size 14 now and my husband makes comments that I do not take care of myself because I am fat! He thinks losing weight is very easy and again I am not taking care of myself because I am not loosing weight!! I hate the way I look I can NEVER be thin enough for him or myself!!

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    • Crappy husband.

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    • hipslikecinderella

      your post made me angry at your husband .I would never stay with a man who told me I need to lose weight. if I could never feel good enough for my man, I'm out. so it's been none years? most people are going to gain weight. you need to to be happy with yourself, (I know, easier said than done), but he obviously isn't helping. you might want to try councelling, or leave. life is so short, try to make the best of it.

      and to this poll, most people aren't immediately attracted to overweight people, however, it is so hard not to be overweight in our society which caters to convenience (lack of physical activity and cheap fast food). we drive eveywhere and buy food on the run and work all day. people are forced to go to gyms or exercise to stay in shape and often there's no time or money for it. the more we buy into it though (the cheap unhealthy foods and SUVs) the worse it's going to get.
      what I'm getting at, is it's going to be slim pickings if you want to date thin people.

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  • lobobo

    to me fat ppl usualy shows that their lazy and unwilling then again im just being biased here

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  • queer_basher

    I'd shag a fatty

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  • MangoTango

    Obese people bother me as much as seeing cancer. Its a mass of flesh + internal destruction. Gross because it reflects what is unfit physiological disorder. I don't find it attractive, no. Its an adverse side-effect. People are doomed if they're genetically prone + dumb enough to keep eating modern industrialized faux food. That stuff is sugar infested. Wherever this sugar crap goes, the local populations become obese/type 2 diabetics (hello, the U.K., Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and China, even Nepal have seen obesity tick upward with the influx of Western foods/habits).

    Hate to break it to the fatties, but you have to get off your ass and move for life + stop eating junk.

    I can tolerate the sight of obese people about as much as I can stand looking at decrepit diseases of any sort. Same goes for the skinny fat idiot partaking in the same destructive choices. The skinny flabster gets the same dreadful artery clogging disabilities as the obese person. So, both are an equally unattractive sight to me.

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  • Nokiot9

    If we are talking like 5"2 and 200lbs then yeah, not doin it. But a but of something to hold onto is nice. I don't like feeling like I'm gonna break the person I'm with if I yell at them.

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  • Everyone says physical attraction plays a part in attraction, then claim people are shallow for prefering healthy bodies more than unhealthy bodies when it comes to being attracted to others...

    Why are people so stupid?

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  • How "fat" are we talking about here? I mean I'm about a size 16, but I also have a big frame, so I don't look fatty. Just kind of robust and big. Of course I'd be lying if I said I wasn't overweight at all, there are bits of weight that need to come off, but I feel in myself that I'm still attractive at my size. Really obese people, not good. If you're fatty and jelly-like everywhere, not terribly attractive.

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  • Aleks85

    Depends on what constitutes overweight in the poll makers opinion.

    I wouldn't like anyone who is obese, not romantically.

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  • ahenobarbus

    i weigh 130 and am 5'5 but i can never be dainty because i have a short waist line, so i'll always looks bigger than i actually am. Some people are just built wide with no curves, short waists, and small hips, its not their fault if they look "fat" or just bigger than what people consider hot, its just how they are. I think as long as youre healthy and not breathing heavy after a sentence your body is fine.

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  • Metrotek

    Fat people are disgusting looking!

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  • Aurora93

    I don't personally find that attractive.... I don't think you're 'supposed' to. I mean, nature didn't intend for us to be obese, so technically you should find that unattractive so you go find a healthier mate...
    But I hope some people find it attractive for the larger people's sake.

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  • ladyday

    They're only unattractive if they're unhealthy.

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  • I love thick thighs. :D

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  • scotty4444

    Sloppy fat? Or just big? You see, if a woman has great curves and is still firm, like from exercise, then I could still find them attractive beyond the superficial. Ultimately, love is blind, if I fell in love with someone I wouldnt care what they looked like. True love is so much bigger than being 'Big'. I dont go out looking for heavy woman, like everyone else, my eyes know what catches them at first!

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  • imtherealpandabear

    Depends on how overweight. I'd date someone up to 25 pounds overweight. Anything over that would be obese and I don't date obese people.

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  • cammers

    I say be who you wanna be if your fluffy etc. An your happy go for it if not then change it the fact of the matter is be yourself not what other people think you should be

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  • psycho101

    @: jamie1972 Now you how other people feel when they look at your face.

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  • IcyHaminator

    That is just shallow to judge someone on their weight and not the actual person. They don't bother me that much, I am overweight myself.

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  • th33INSAN33

    Obese people scare me. I think that they'll rape me or something. I guess it's a nightmare I've had before. I can't stand them.

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  • 4392Moron

    Do not be so condemming on the fat folks. Do you think they like being that way? I know for a personal fact that being fat and then loosing weight is a mighty hard thing to do. I went from 280 to 145 but I can tell you it was a hard thing to do, I loved food and used it as my comfort pillow when I was feeling low. Lost the weight because I was getting cholesterol problems, heart, and was starting to get Type 2 Diabetes and I was only 28 and so off it came.

    You can sorta say I am both, but even this day I struggle with wanting to chow down.

    I feel you have no rights; {my opinion}; to make insults about fat people. Me and they no that fat sucks but really hard to loose and keep it off.

    How would you like to be condemned by people for the imperfections of your bodies? I know you would not like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Juffy

    big girls u are beautiful. they are beautiful just the way they are

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  • Muloc7253

    I prefer chubby girls. 14-16 stone is an ideal weight but I've slept with girls upto 21 stone (about 300lbs).

    When I was younger weight never bothered me, I didn't really get why people found "fat" girls unattractive. This only grew stronger into my teens when I started to find bigger girls more attractive and now, at age 21, I don't even find slim girls attractive anymore.

    I'm am not a feeder, and don't like the idea of girls forcing themselves to be fatter (as I know some guys into big girls do). I tend to go for girls that have been big for a while but are comfortable with their weight and are not at any serious health risk. My ex-girlfriend was 16 stone, she had plenty of exercise (worked with children) and ate healthier than more, and ate less too (I'm not even 10 stone). She's been chubby since childhood and was comfortable and happy with her weight, and thats the kind of girl I like.

    I dunno, chubby girls are just cuter. And sexier. Of course I still need a pretty face and nice personality, obviously I'm still picky, just as guys that are into skinny girls won't like any girl JUST because she's skinny, but chances are if you're over 12 stone I'll find you more attractive.

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  • blooppopgurl100

    u no what every1 that said overweight ppl are unattractive???
    they should look at themselves
    they should look closely
    they should stop thinking
    and they will see flaws

    its not looks after all most of the ppl we meet will be with 4 the rest of our life

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  • casualcrow

    fat people just need to lose weight, its not helping that on every corner nowadays you see a fast food restaurant where everything costs a dollar. I mean, look at the Baconator from Wendys...2 patties of beef topped with 6 slices of is that? If you eat that kinda shit then i have no remorse for you if you're fat.

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    i dont find them attractive but thats just me

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    You people who said fat people are descusting your just one of those people who are ready for sex. You only care about the body your about to "do". What about their personality? God you people. Get a life.

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    • Aurora93

      I think we're counting 'attractive' as physically attractive... unless I've misunderstood?

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