How many of you were once convinced they'd die early?

Hey Everyone, Im just wondering how common these type of thoughts are.
Im currently going through a life phase where for some reason I think I wont make it until my 30's... It's probably all in my head but I just want to know how other people feel.

I'm now 30-40 and I always thought I'd die early 7
I'm now 50+ and I always thought I'd die early 2
Im 30-40 and I never thought about it 2
Im 50+ and I never thought about it 0
I'm less than 30 years old and I often think it 43
I'm less than 30 years old and I never thought about it 21
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Comments ( 17 )
  • victorygin

    I'm coming up to thirty and only now just starting to realise, oh shit, I might actually be around for a while so should probably start planning for the future - never seriously thought I'd have one until now..
    I guess it's not uncommon to think you'll die early.

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    • I just felt like I had a sudden premonition that I'd die early but I guess it isnt, it's just my mind being funny like everyone else's...

      Thank you :)

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      • victorygin

        It most likely is. So, don't do anything too crazy - you'll probably be around for a while yet! ;)

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        • Thank you :) that helps me feel reassured :)

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          • victorygin

            I'm really glad to hear that.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I used to feel that way two years ago. I was afraid that I'd have a heart attack or stroke due to eating heavy amounts of greasy food and a lack of exercise. I still fear it now, but a lot less since I eat less grease and am more active.

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    • I think Im healthy enough (I guess) but I still kinda feel sometimes that I wont live for too long? I dont know, its just really a feeling I get, comes out of nowhere =\

      But I suppose its kinda normal

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        It is normal, so unless it affects your everyday life and stops you from doing certain things, you have nothing to worry about.

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  • squirrelgirl

    I feel like I'll die before the age of 50 due to one of three possibilities:

    1) Family history of heart disease + being overweight + lack of exercise

    2) The remote possibilities of my medications causing my kidneys/liver to fail in the distant future

    3) Suicide

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    • Whatever you do, dont commit suicide. You cant go back after you do it, let life take care of that one, really!

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      • squirrelgirl

        Thanks for your concern OP. It's nice to know that even a stranger can care about me. I actually have a pretty idyllic life - nice family, nice home, plenty of food, plenty of money. It's just that I struggle with being mentally ill and autistic.

        A lot of times I just feel worthless, like I'm just a genetic anomaly that natural selection would have wiped out very quickly if I had been born in an earlier decade/era.

        Even though everyone tells me how much they love me and how awesome they think I am, I don't believe them and I think they would be better off without me. I'm really glad my brother keeps his guns locked up in a gun safe or else I would be very tempted to eat lead.

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        • Aaaw dont say that!
          Listen, if your family trully didnt care for you, they would have not kept you. We hear stories everyday of mothers abandoning their kids, or even killing them or giving them away to be adopted.

          You are not a burden!!! If you are then I am and every kid is! Everyone has their little problems. If it's not the same as you have well then maybe it's something like going out every night and getting drunk. Do you think parents are proud of their teenagers who drop school for drugs and get drunk everyday? Do you think they dont consider them a burden and just wish them to leave the house? Even so, they love them. Even with all the flaws. For the way you type you sound quite clever and sweet! You have something to offer to this world!!! Write stories or draw or make music or do something you love and contribute to others happiness :) Your life IS IMPORTANT. You're here now, we're all gonna die someday, make the best of the time you have left! Help your mum baking a cake for example, go and take a walk in the sun! Personally I have a lot of interest in people who are autistic for example, I think they are MORE mentally advanced than others. I think you see the world in ways no one else does. I think when you stop and start thinking, you enter your own reality which is so complex and rich, it's part of your personality. Dont be ashamed of who or what you are!

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          • squirrelgirl

            That's really encouraging to hear! You know, you sound a lot like my family members. I guess I didn't believe my family members when they'd tell me what you told me because I assumed that they were just being nice just because I'm related to them.

            To hear the exact same words of advice coming from a stranger means that my family members are actually right and they're not just sugar-coating things for me.

            Like you, they're all fascinated by the way my mind works - they always praise me for having a unique perspective on things and they feel like I have a lot to offer the world.

            I never stopped to think about how differently my mind works from most other peoples', because my own perspective is all I've ever known, so my "unique" thinking actually feels pretty "normal" to me.

            I actually really enjoy drawing and writing - they're two of my favorite hobbies even though I am severely lacking in confidence. I want to put my ideas out there but I'm absolutely terrified of criticism. I can't handle it; I'm too sensitive.

            And you're also right when you say that I live in my own reality - I have a very active imagination and I enjoy spending time in my own little world.

            Anyway, thanks again for your words of encouragement. I'll always remember what you've said to me. Maybe now I won't get the urge to hurt myself anymore. Thank you. :)

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    • whatever you do, dont commit suicide. It wont make anything better... and you cant go back.. let life decide, really, dont take that decision

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  • Rihyae

    I think about it often.

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  • Freedom_

    I have a theory that I could die a dramatic death at the age of 36, depending on the path I choose. It hasn't felt like anything more than a silly/entertaining thought for a while now, so I suppose I chose the path of longevity instead, which is good - while my early death would have been epic, it could have severely damaged those I love the most.

    Most people I've known feared they would die young, whether because of their life choices, family members' agree of death or something completely illogical.

    Maybe it's an ingrained fear because of death occurring at old age is a relatively recent thing, or maybe it just makes us feel special, like anticipating the world to end in one's own lifetime.

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    • I think you're right about being an ingrained fear, it just feels like we'd be too lucky to be alive after our 50's so we have a tendency to not believe we will make it so far =\

      I was feeling quite down when I had that thought but today I feel a tiny bit better so it's not as present :)

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