How many once in a lifetime opportunities do you get?
I know its a cliche saying. Every choice we make shapes our fate.
Describe your feelings about this, if you please.
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I know its a cliche saying. Every choice we make shapes our fate.
Describe your feelings about this, if you please.
Life isn't fair and it doesn't treat us equally. Some of us get many "once in a lifetime opportunities", others get none.
Probably a little less than 2. Use a Poisson Distribution if you want to do the math. P(x; μ) = (e-μ) (μx) / x!
Wikipedia has a nice write up.
Infinite possibilities... infinite realities.
To turn left go to page 382, to turn right go to page 426.
The book itself stays the same.
Each 'chance of a lifetime' is different, so there's no limit to how many chances one might get. It's recognizing them and acting correctly that's the rare thing.
Well, I just get opportunities that fits my needs and wants, I don't usually go by opportunities anymore because it feels like I'm not good enough to have my own set of thinking where I can be free to be myself without being a slave to something that holds something important to me or so I think.
@thegypsysailor Totally agreed with him it is about recognizing it, Soemtimes an opportunity is not so big in iteself but if we missed we keep thinking about it if we had it we could be a millionaire by now
However there are once in a lifetime opportunities which if we missed ruins our whole life I have few at my list also which I regret every now and then.
Making choices is ok. Getting motivated to act on the choices is harder. I really want to make a healthier daily routine so I feel better...but my willpower is a bit on the sucky side right now.
I knew that in the silence that followed, that anything could happen here. It might be too late again. I might have missed my chance. But I would at least know I tried, that I took my heart and extended my hand, whatever the outcome.