How many pets would you allow?

If you were a landlord, what's the highest number of pets (cats/dogs) you would allow your renter to have? The renter tells you they are housebroken, rarely have accidents, and are well cared for. The cat (or cats) is both indoor/ outdoor.

No pets 11
1 pet 16
1-3 pets 44
1-3 pets (dogs only) 3
1-3 pets (cats only) 10
3-5 pets 17
3-5 pets (dogs only) 0
3-5 pets (cats only) 1
5-10 pets 11
5-10 pets (dogs only) 2
5-10 pets (cats only) 8
Other 5
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Comments ( 27 )
  • Shrunk

    Probably wouldn't care as long as they paid the deposit (and it didn't constitute abuse/hoarding)

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  • JimbobJumpbak

    I'd be more concerned by someone having a house full of kids. In either case I don't care too much how many as long as they are taken proper care of. Good food. Medical and not abused. EVER!
    We have way too many unwanted cats and dogs. Believe it or not we should stop having kids for now. The population is so high that there is going to be massive problems. Also too many irresponsible people having too many kids. It's a burden on the working population to feed the brats of idiots. Dogs ans cats also deserver a good home so if you can't take care of them don't get them.
    Just say no!

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    • Good points.

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  • Ilovewinter12

    Hmm, well, I guess I would allow maybe one cat, and one fish,
    or one cat and a bird, or a cat and a snake.
    Maybe two cats if they were well trained.

    The same thing goes for dogs.

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    • Hmm, why only one fish or bird or snake? You would say no to a cat or dog and 2 fish, etc? What about 4 fish or birds but no cats or dogs?

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      • Ilovewinter12

        Maybe, but it would depend, I suppose.

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  • thesugarbitch

    10 dogs/10 cats, that's crazy!

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    • Why should it be if the person has the time and means to take care of them properly? I know of a woman who has 19 cats and somehow keeps up with all their litterboxes and such so that it is not like a hoarder's home.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        Given how large the apartments I have seen are 1-3 seems to be the maximum you can keep where it would still be safe. If its like the ones in Japan I don't think it would be very good to have a pet at all. Since the poor thing does not have a lot of room to move around and I think animals need space if they are going to be indoor animals. Since a lot of them are going to need space to run around if they are not permitted outside for daily walks and exercise. If its like some people I have known who have huge plots of land with lots of space I am sure they could keep a lot since they have a lot of room. So keeping many animals would be healthy and safe.

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      • thesugarbitch

        If I was a landlady, I would never permit so many animals allowed in my rental.

        Perhaps your acquaintance is really dedicated and exceptionally OCD clean about her home and animals. But I've met quite a few individuals - while volunteering for cat shelters - who owns a large number of cats and to be honest, they all had a distinct cat litter + shit smell clinging onto them. I would never want to discover that smell absorbed into the confines of my rental home after the lease is up.

        I wouldn't put a number of the amount of pets a tenant can have and would decide on the actual pet they actually have because having 4 Alaskan Malamute is extremely different than having 4 Chihuahuas.

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        • I wouldn't rent to someone with 19 cats either, or even 10. Unless maybe if they were outdoor only, and all fixed so there wouldn't be increasing numbers. The woman I spoke of probably owns her own home.

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    • JimbobJumpbak

      I have eight cats, two dogs and a skunk.
      All pets but the skunk have been neutered.
      He isn't because the state in all their elected wisdom think they are much smarter than us and our vets. So illegal to own a skunk because a few in the wild have been found with Rabies.
      So rather than let the orphaned baby skunk die he moved in with me. He is great with all the cats and dogs. Does not like strangers though. No he does not spray them. No he does not spray the home either. He thinks he is a human so he does not spray. Spraying is only a last ditch in fear of life reaction. No reason for him to spray here. Yes I know what the hell I'm talking about too. The BS about Rabies is just that. I agree that 99.99% of people have no idea how to protect themselves from Rabies. Also don't know that if the virus isn't in the brain it isn't in the saliva and if it isn't in the saliva then he can't give you rabies even if he has it. However if he/she does have it it's only about 7 to 7.5 days until it reaches the brain. Then death comes very soon and very painfully.
      So If animal bites you quarantine it. If it shows no rabies signs for over ten days let it go.
      Symptoms are loss of control of back legs and other very obvious symptoms. Learn!

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  • gummy_jr

    I have a zoo in my back yard. Gotta keep the carnivores locked up pretty good though. The police doesn't know yet.

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  • Up to three, cats or dogs must be under 25lbs each.

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    • Why the weight limit?

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  • Canttel

    I have 3 dogs 2 cats and 1 turtle. Thank my mom

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    • I have 4 cats and 1 dog. My current landlord doesn't care but moving this summer will be a challenge finding a new place...

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      • Canttel

        Look up places were they allow pets the enternet is at your fingertips!

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  • Avant-Garde

    I-3. Dogs and cats. But, I'd put strict rules like, owners absolutely must clean after their animals, etc. If the property/properties weren't soundproofed well and other tenants wanted quiet, I'd consider in siting that owners make sure that their dogs don't bark all the time and are well behaved.

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  • icyfrost

    if you count reptiles, small and takes up little space then like 9 lol

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Five pet Gerards.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Only cats and in a reasonable amount. Let's say 3.

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    • So you would say no to a prospective renter with 4 cats?

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      • GoraIntoDesiGals

        Lol it depends. I guess I'd have to see what person it is and what cats they have. Having so many cats can usually indicate problems.

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  • Two cats at the most.

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  • o_0


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  • shuggy-chan

    depends on the number of people, if they are alone, 2 pets, if more people, then I like same number of humans to animal, with maybe 1 more animal then people max

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