How many times have you wondered if religion got it right

Like:Does a God really exist,Is that one God for all Nations or who's side is right, in a Holy War.

Dont care one way or the other 36
Yes but not the same for all some have to work harder 11
No and the same for all the strong will always vanquish the weak 9
No Does not exist and the strong will always prevail 27
Not certain curious though 28
Yes there is one for all and right will always prevail 26
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Comments ( 14 )
  • TWhip

    Don't care. It's not real. And even if it was, it still does jack shit.

    I don't want to see a comment saying "but look at all the charity that comes out of it!"

    Well, look at the war, and death too.

    If you want charity, go give blood to the Red Cross, join a soup kitchen, donate to thrift stores. Stop relying on an imaginary being.

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  • DiscoDuck

    They got it EXACTLY right.

    They can control huge amounts of people via fear of an unknown, unseen third party with the threat of ever lasting torture.

    Plus, they can get rich as religious zealots shell out all of their cash willingly.

    How perfect is that????

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  • somekidd

    i think Buddhism got the jist right, live happily and painlessly.... no god, no lies in a bible/sacred text/ no contradictions. almost perfect...

    but pastafarianisms got it perfect, seriously... check it out

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  • TheTodd11

    I just made a new religion its called


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  • Itsamaziing

    All religion is about control..without religion mankind would run wild free of morals... every religion wants to be in control from the bibles in you hotel room down to the subliminal satanic symbolism in music videos its all about control.. but i still don't think any are completely right on target.

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    • deepthought33

      I think the idea that humans would live life devoid of morals without religion is an idea created FROM religion.

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  • This pole sucks and doesn't make a lot of sense.

    Personally, I think all major religions have a few good things about them, otherwise people wouldn't be so easily fooled into following them, but overall, I think religion is holding us back and still oppresses too many people for it to be considered a wonderful thing.

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  • Jeci_Cassidy

    I do not believe in just one God... I believe in many Gods and Goddesses.

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  • xyz

    I find that it is to provide man with the ability to form and abide by moral boundaries, as most seem to be too weak to do so on their own these days. There are amazing people that go to church, and amazing people that do not. There are also many horrid churchgoers, who boast this fact and claim their goodness. On religion itself, I think it is 100% politics. Every religion claims they are right, yet from time to time they admit error and modify their doctrine. If these institutions are so 'divine,' then I would love for an explanation as to why they [the religious institutions] can't keep things straight.

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  • Buddhism is great!
    perfect :D

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  • JackKass

    Religion is a foundation on which people form principles for living morally, honestly and responsibly. Ideally, this overall life style benefits society and mankind and furthers love, peace, production and understanding. Most religions around the world are surprisingly similar in basic principles.
    A religion that promotes hatred or violence against other humans is probably not a very productive religion in the eyes of the world as it seems to serve only a religion and not the broad spectrum of mankind.
    And to those who think religion is about control, remember this. You can be sure there are others, far more selfish, money-grubbing and diabolical -- who seek even more to control you.

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    • Uzzie101

      We do not get our morals from religion. Why don't atheists go around killing people or stealing then? It's an evolutionary thing. Either that, or it's morals are something we learn from living in groups. That's why monkeys, elephants, and some cats and dogs are shown to have some "morals".

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    • lololol

      ever heard about the crusades, the Inquisition or the "dark age" when the christian church tried to forbid any technological advance?
      religions are first of all about power and controlling. everything else has developed later.
      so stop talking shit! if believing is the thing that counts, the church would not take your money.

      and depending on who you ask, buddhism is no religion

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  • deepthought33

    Zero times. I have never 'wondered if religion got it right' but I DO think about human's and the things they believe in all the time.

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