How much do you litter?

Littering is against the law in most countries and a lot of people don't do it because it's vulgar and inconsiderate of others.

But what do you do when no one is looking?

I litter my garbage all the time & I don't care. 47
I litter all the time, but I feel guilty about it. 3
I litter when I think no one is watching me. 25
I litter only when there are no garbage bins available. 43
I've littered in the past, but I don't anymore. 16
I litter, but only items that are biodegradeable, like paper. 20
I only litter food-type objects, cuz the squirrels'll eat it. 45
I NEVER EVER litter. It's wrong and shameful. 57
Other (please explain yourself below). 6
I litter in other people's towns, but not my own. 6
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Comments ( 27 )
  • Pisslan616

    Actually today I felt guilty about the all the litter me and my friends had left in the woods after our BBQ camp party thing.

    I drove out in to the middle of butt fuck nowhere armed with some black bin liners and gloves picking up bottles and wrappers to stop myself from feeling bad.

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    • dappled

      Good for you. Says a lot about your character.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I won't even throw cigatette butts on the ground.

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  • Salvation

    I never litter. I don't mind holding onto my rubbish or putting it in my bag/pocket until the next bin.

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  • Smartasscookie

    No, there's not much need to, there are bins every 100m or I just chuck it in my bag for later, simples!

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  • Ishco

    I'm in my senior year of high school, and I generally only litter my garbage (wrappers, cups, bottles, etc.) when I'm with my friends, or when I'm alone. When there are other people around I don't know I'll wait for them to clear out before I drop anything. If I'm in my car though, I'll toss it out my window whenever. If I were to drop an empty bag from McDick's while I was walking, somebody may comment. But if I toss it out my window while driving I don't get any looks and nobody comments.

    TBH, I don't really care where it ends up.

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  • MissKira

    I really actually like littering, its not allowed here at all but it feels so bad that I do it when ever I can

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  • hello)(there

    As Louis C.K. said, towns are not the environment. They are where PEOPLE live. I believe litter is only dangerous in the case of trash bins(where they are dumped into the middle of the oceans to leach lead into and choke birds, etc.) or when you litter something into the wilderness that is not bio-degradable.

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  • karmasAbich

    No littering here :)

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  • lilblueguy


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  • tertater

    I don't litter anymore, but not any less either.
    Only biodegradables for me.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    I don't litter. I'll make the effort to put trash where it belongs.

    Then again I lived in Japan for a year. The cultural norm there is that... if you create trash when you're out and about you take it with you.

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  • pixie_dust

    only biodegradables

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  • Smilez325

    Only food. There are lots of bird, rabbits, etc in my backyard, and they eat it. I only throw lettice, bananas, or other things i know those animals can eat.

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  • crackdispenor

    i litter all the time. i live in china, no one cares. if you dont litter then the people that clean the streets wouldnt have a job. you would want that now would you. i even litter inside restaurants, my favorite i throw the napkins under the tables and my ciggerette butts.

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    • davesumba

      lol, the ol' "it's their job" excuse. Because it is just unacceptable to make those people's jobs easier at no expense to you.

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    • I've been there. It's gross.

      Where I live, we consider our land a source of great pride, so it is considered taboo to litter because it disrespects everyone by making a public area a filthy place, even if there are paid people who pick up litter.

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  • wigsplitz

    I don't litter.

    Food is only OK to throw out on the ground if you're away from town (pavement, sidewalks) and away from the road, really. Somehwere where you won't attract pests or insects to homes/businesses and where you won't entice an animal to come right near the roadside to eat the food and get hit or cause an accident.

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  • KickTheDog

    People shite on the streets and rails all the time and don't even care if someone watches or not.

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    • Do you live in India?

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      • KickTheDog

        I wasn't really talking about leaking in public you know. It's just cans, cigarettes, apples, spit, horses and stuff like that.

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  • SoccerStud88

    Don't litter or else Captain Planet will disown u.

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  • dom180

    I only littered once, when I was out with friends and they all just threw everything on the floor, so I did too, almost without thinking. I felt so bad about it that I blew the whole thing out of proportion, and I never did it again. I'll keep it in my pocket if there is no bin around, and wait until I get home. My whole town is totally plastered with litter at the moment, nobody cares about the environment they live in, and the council don't do enough to clean it up.

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  • I hate it. It pisses me off when I see people doing it actually.

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  • I don't litter but I don't not litter on purpose.

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  • dontpissmeoff

    i always hate littering but when my friends do it, i'm more inclined to. damn peer pressure.

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  • Yumazing

    I'm happy to say I've never littered. Now let's look at the rest of America... >:)

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