How much do you try to help the environment in your day to day life?

Referring to the natural environment.

How often do you consider things like turning off lights to save energy, consuming less, or buying locally grown foods?

How much of an impact on your daily life does environmental sustainability have?

I almost always make a conscious effort to be sustainable. 20
I try to be sustainable sometimes. 36
I don't really give this any thought in day to day decisions. 26
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Renegade216

    You keep driving your pathetic little Prius. I'll keep my SRT8 Charger.

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  • I grew up being considerate of the environment, so it's part of my everyday life to reduce, recycle, and reuse.

    I feel guilty for strange things, like buying food that isn't local or tossing a plastic spoon instead of recycling it. I bought some fresh halibut the other day, because it's so delicious, but I felt a little guilty because of the overfishing that is destroying the ecosystems of the oceans; I feel as though I'm contributing to it by buying large ocean fish.

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  • irishsteel

    why bother. no matter what commitments you have to this earth, you will eventually die and this overpopulated planet will destroy everything you worked too save. If it makes you feel better doing this , DO IT. i just feel like this planet is on the downhill and soon we will destroy each other and our home. i would be more concerned with my own personal issues rather then beeing green. Welcome to the Plastic BEACH

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  • AriaSkip

    I always pick up garbage if its laying around, turn off lights when Im not using them, but I dont go out of my way to plant trees or eat a certain kind of food because its more natural or any of that crap.

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  • up-late

    On a pesonal level cost and function is more an issue for me than the environment. By nessesity of cost most of my day to day actions are low footprint. I would repair and upgrade rather than replace items if it were cheaper and possible but not many items these days can be fixed.

    The large environmental pollutants/destructors and industry answering to stockholders rather than acting on conscience concern me more than individual consuption. I have a synergistic view of what human interaction should be with the environment but society has been built on taking from the environment and exploiting its workforce rather than being a custodian of it and it's going to take some time to change.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    my daily choices aren't based on something that will outlast me.

    in all honesty the environment will outlast us. it outlasted 95% of all species going extinct already.

    now that's not to say I'm cheering on dumping waste into clean streams - i'm just saying people sometimes overreact about the environment.

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  • tori

    I recycle my soda cans because I get $1.55 a pound for them. Also the cat food cans. I get less but it's worth it. My food scraps, pizza boxes, paper towels go into the green waste bin for compost. Plastic tubs, newspaper, regular paper go into the regular recycle bin.

    I dont turn on lights during the day. Turn off water while I brush my teeth. I try to take shorter showers.

    My car burns alot of gas though. It's paid for, insurance is cheap and DMV is cheap. I buy gas maybe once every 2 weeks. So I figure I buy as much gas as a person who drives over an hour every day to work. Which where I live, happens alot.

    Some cities where I live have banned plastic grocery bags. Yay! I don't use them anyway. Harmful to the wildlife in the oceans.

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  • I recycle, keep lights off (mainly because i preffer candles), bareley use water unless its a bath/ shower and all that stuff but i dont even notice ! im not even that bothered about the environment if im honest it all just comes naturally (: x

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  • anti-hero

    Recycling most products is bullshit, the process of recycling damages more than it helps. The only valid things to recycle are drink cans.

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  • nightmare28

    I don't even recycle, sorry.

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  • joybird

    I have always recycled; paper, plastic, clothes, glass, tins but.... I have lost some of my enthusiasm for recycling foil and metal since the UK government decided to sink the Ark Royal to make a diving reef. That's millions of tons ot steel under the sea - what's my 20g of aluminium worth?

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  • Anime7

    In all honesty, as far as I know, I don't really do anything to help the environment. I don't really take short showers, but I live in the dark since I like the lights off. However, I believe that I am neutral to the environmental cause.

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  • Frosties

    To a degree which puts a severe crimp on my own life.

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  • suckonthis9

    I would like to have answered option 1, but our society makes this virtually impossible.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I am somewhat conscious.

    My vehicle is not very fuel efficient at all (18 city, 23 highway) but it's the best I can afford right now.

    I try to save water by taking shorter showers and not leaving the sink on when it doesn't need to be. I opt for window opening in my car and apartment when AC isn't necessary (Temps get up to 115 here) and I don't turn on lights during the day if the sun is out.

    I recycle my bottles and cans (they litter my trunk until I get around to taking them somewhere) and reuse as much as I can so I don't have to buy new (most of my furniture is used, but I refuse to buy a used mattress >=/).

    That's about all I can say though. I feel bad for not being more environmentally conscious but this is the best I can feasibly do for now.

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