How much is normal for a sports bet/wager?

Thinking about putting money on some games and sports? How much is maximum limit you would ever bet on a game? I’m betting 21 dollars for each bet I make? Is that too much?

21 dollars seems ok 9
None, I don’t gamble. 5
Less than 21 dollars 1
More than 21 dollars 1
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Comments ( 14 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i tried to put 15 grand on gamestop but the brokerage denied me the right to buy

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    • I swear Elon Musk is just trying to see what influence he has

      There was another stock he said to buy that was dying

      But gamestop?

      Dude, gamestop stocks have been going way down hill for years, their sales have gone down, and most of them do sneaky things selling used games as new (or vice versa I forget) just to make their sales still look good

      Unless the pandemic has given them a resurgence in business

      But before the pandemic anyway it looked pretty obvious they were going out of business

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        you must not be readin the news

        a big wall street hedge fund thought what you just said and shorted the shit outta the company bettin the stock would go down and were likely workin deviously to help put em outta business

        but some internet investin nerds caught wind and brigaded the stock causin it to go from 15 a couple weeks ago to (as of friday closin) 325

        now the vulture hedge fund who contributes fuckall to society is gittin ass raped outta multiple dozensa billions and anyone who bought in long is gonna make good coin at the expense of these assholes

        problem is they tout the 'free market' all the time but when they make a retarded play (with other peoples money) and git caught with their asses hangin out they cry foul and restrict people like me from buyin

        and its blatant illegal to restrict the likesa me the retail investor but dealin with an investigation and fines is waaay cheaper than the ass rape theyre takin from the investors of the internet so fuck it lets throw our weight around and break the law say the fatcats

        so its not really about gamestop its about the blatant hypocrisy in the system its about the facts that these assholes get mega rich to the point where its not even rational and they use their money & influence to game democracy and git richer

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        • dude_Jones

          No worries. Those short seller's careers are over. Each one will get out with $50,000. Just enough to buy a Dairy Queen ice cream stand by the highway where they'll finish their careers selling ice cream cones to pissy little kids in the summertime.

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        • That definitely seems plausible

          Most of that information came from a YouTuber who was a gamestop gm who was let go and "spilled the beans" on a lot, kamelot or something I think

          He definitely seemed savvy enough to spin it whatever way he wanted though

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          • CountessDouche

            The whole thing originated on reddit, "wall street bets" subreddit. They saw hedge funders shorting gamestop & coordinated to bump the price and fuck over rich investors. The issue was the response. Private trades were shut down twice because more people glommed on to the next choice, gme because they fucked the market. It was a weird coordinated finger to hedge fund billionaires but it's not gonna stop at this juncture because they variatably succeeded and now it's been bandwagoned. I'd expect continuing massive upsets until it's taken to court tbh.

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            • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

              every gamestop store is gonna have a complimentary private jet & champagne with the purchase of a 50 dollar game now

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  • fatok

    $100 parlay

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  • Never bet or loan money you're not okay with not getting back

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  • CountessDouche

    I always do less that $5 for fun, craziest odds possible. But $21 is reasonable, but only if it's a one off. You can not bet that much every week.

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  • Imafriendyrock

    For me $10 tops

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  • RoseIsabella

    Honestly I'm thinking $20, but I don't gamble.

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  • Somenormie

    $21 seems ok but don't go over than $21.

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