How much money is ok to bring to a blackjack/poker table?

Just wondering for anyone here who condones gambling, how much do you usually bring to like a casino to play cards? Thinking I’m going to bring like 50 bucks?? Does that seem like too big or too small? How much would you spend playing cards???

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Comments ( 13 )
  • BleedingPain

    None. Dont gamble.

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    • LloydAsher

      Last time I was in a casino I spent 15 minutes. Went in with 50$ bet on red in roulette. Won. Called it a day, left with 100$

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      • BleedingPain

        My family took me to Vegas for my 21st birthday. My grandma gave me 10, I lost it, called it a trip

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  • beautifuldisaster91

    However much you wanna lose. Because that's what's going to happen

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  • Meowypowers

    Personally I'd rather gamble on the markets. But if he's buying I'll throw some rocks.

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  • Somenormie

    A little bit of money.

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  • jethro

    Take as much as you are comfortable with losing. Because the odds are with the house. Once you lose your set limit, get up and go see a show.

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    Whatever you can afford to loose. And don’t bring your checkbook or credit cards. And if you double your money, walk away. Don’t get greedy and loose it all. The odd are against you.

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  • litelander8

    There’s actually classes around most big casinos so you don’t go in blind. Can be worth the investment.

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  • olderdude-xx

    1/2 the amount of money that you feel that you could safely toss out the window right now, never see again, and not affect your life in any meaningful way.

    That might be a few cents... and it might be a million dollars or more for a small group of people.

    I use 1/2 as most people underestimate how much a certain amount of money affects their life...

    ps: Its an older book - but you can find a copy via used book stores online. Before you gamble another dollar; I suggest that you read: "How to detect crocked gambling" by: Frank Garcia

    I totally stopped playing cards for anything after reading that book when I was in the US Navy. I watched all the normal games going on in the break room and spotted at least 1 person cheating in every game...

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  • Clunk42

    I honestly have nothing against gambling between friends, but don't go to a casino. There's a reason casinos don't go bankrupt: they make more money from the people who visit than the people who visit make from them. What I'm saying is: it's not a sound investment, since the games are rigged; play cards with your friends instead.

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  • bigbudchonger

    It depends on your income and frequency to be seated at such a table.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Id bring 10 dollars honestly. Im not a fan of gambling.

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