How much would it take for you to notice?

People of is it normal :)
If you had a significant other who had lost weight but not necessarily told you about it, how much would they have to lose before you noticed?

(background info, you can skip this)
Basically, it's summer soon and I've been trying to hone down the junk food and move a little more. I've lost about 12 pounds (yay) and I'm not sure if my partner has noticed or is he just hasn't said anything. A while back he was quite ill for a while and lost a little weight, and I noticed but didn't say anything. I'm thinking this could be the same kind of thing :)
How about you?

I'm male and I would notice 3 or more pounds 1
I'm female and I would notice 3 or more pounds 1
I'm male and I would notice 10 or more pounds 1
I'm female and I would notice 10 or more pounds 6
I'm male and I would notice 20 or more pounds 1
I'm female and I would notice 20 or more pounds 1
I'm male and I would notice 50 or more pounds 0
I'm female and I would notice 50 or more pounds 1
I'm male and I'd never notice 3
I'm female and I'd never notice 1
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Comments ( 11 )
  • imaz

    When you add it to your morning routine as a tasty juice, it helps FIRE UP an incredible amount of clogged fat inside your body and release it as energy.
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  • Aries

    I would say 20 pounds . I don't date or fuck very thin women so .. it would take a little more for me to notice .

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    • Diver2

      Do you date men?

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      • Aries

        No , why?

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        • Diver2

          Because I like you and I am a man.

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          • Aries

            you don't know me , how do you know you like me?

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            • Diver2

              I like what I have read in your posts and I want us to go 69 some time. I have a nice 7 in cut cock.

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  • itsSnowing

    It depends on how their body composition changes. Muscle weighs more than fat so they could lose fat, gain muscle, weigh the same as before but look very different.

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  • Arm0se

    I probably wouldn't notice at all until you pointed it out to me. When I'm with someone for an extended period I don't really see gradual changes unless I see a picture or something of what it looked like before. If it's been a long time since I've seen you I'd probably see it, but still wouldn't say anything at risk of offending you.

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    • Aroura77

      That's what I was thinking :P He lives at a different university, so we don't see each other for weeks apart, but he's coming home for the summer and I'm wondering if he'll notice any changes. Doesn't really matter though :P

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  • howaminotmyself

    It depends on how their clothes fit.

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