How much would you pay a month to always have a perfect sh*tting experience

You ever have just a great shit? You feel empty and clean afterwards and everything just goes great for the rest of the day?

If you could pay a monthly prescription fee to have a perfect shitting experience anytime you shit, how much would be your cutoff?

Perfect shit, always feeling satisfied, no need to ever wipe, odorless, being clean as fuck always, never a burn or a strain or fucking Taco Bell diarrhea.

I’d pay $30 a month.

$0 3
$5/month 2
$10/month 4
$10-$20/month 0
$20-$30/month 1
$50/month 1
$100/month 3
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Nickvey

    i already shit like a god, just that faint odor of cinnamon buns and nothing on the paper.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    If such a product existed, I'd recommend it to a few people I've lent my clothing to in the past. They gave my stuff back to me with shit stains on the inside and when I confronted them they were all "wahhhh! How dare you! They're digestive problems!" Ugh. Pigs.

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  • lesbianBaklavaSociety

    My shits are already pretty decent but I'd cancel my Netflix subscription for your plan.

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  • Dustyair

    I'll go with the $30 a month plan, if I need to upgrade later, I will.

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  • Bipolarjetlag

    I will pray for you child 😇

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    • You can pray for my ass all you want I don’t know what good it’s gunna do

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