How much would you pay a month to always have a perfect sh*tting experience
You ever have just a great shit? You feel empty and clean afterwards and everything just goes great for the rest of the day?
If you could pay a monthly prescription fee to have a perfect shitting experience anytime you shit, how much would be your cutoff?
Perfect shit, always feeling satisfied, no need to ever wipe, odorless, being clean as fuck always, never a burn or a strain or fucking Taco Bell diarrhea.
I’d pay $30 a month.
$0 | 3 | |
$5/month | 2 | |
$10/month | 4 | |
$10-$20/month | 0 | |
$20-$30/month | 1 | |
$50/month | 1 | |
$100/month | 3 |