How normal is it tot have fordyce spots?

Girls please ignore this post!!

Fordyce spots appear as small, white spots or bumps 1 to 3 mm in diameter on the scrotum, shaft of the penis or on the lips. According to most sites they are pretty common with males , but how normal is it really.

(Women can also have them on the labia, but this was already in an other post)

Don't have them 5
Have some, less than 100 6
Have a lot 7
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Comments ( 1 )
  • Doktor_Hildred_Von_Steinmann

    Oh boy, here we go.

    There are "treatments", but most of the treatments are not really effective and are mainly for cosmetic purposes anyways.

    Many dermatologists and GP's actually advise against treatment as it's been deemed a normal physiological occurrence and are not dangerous to human health.

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