How normal is my ocd?

if i flex one muscle, I have to flex the opposite one. If i stub my toe, i get an urge to hit the other one. when i'm typing, i change which fingers hit the keys until it feels about equal. hell, even when I get hit in the balls and it only gets one of them, i kinda squeeze the other until the pain is even. I also have a thing with evens and odds. I always end things on an even number if i can, like two steps per sidewalk crack, or 6 for every 2.
the evens/odds thing started in elementary school in first grade though. I dunno if your teachers ever read 'Even Steven and Odd Todd' but that shit ruined me. steven liked even numbers, was nice and did everything correctly and neatly, which, as a virgo, appealed to me, and todd was a little asshole who would come along and ruin stevens evens and make them odds. since then i have an extremely strong preference toward even numbers. How normal is that?

Just to clarify, these are not obsessions or necessities, just strong urges, and nobody knows that i do it, i try to hide it as best I can.

its not normal but its not abnormal either. 37
No, not normal at all, you need serious help 22
yes, it is normal, you have nothing to worry about 13
i have something like this too! 24
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Comments ( 21 )
  • squeallikeasacofpigs


    Omg, I can just imagine it now. Your friends see you get hit in the nuts (or NUT) by a stray football. They rush over : Bro, are you alright? Yea I'm fine brah. *Starts squeezing opposite teste*. Dude wtf, are you squeezing your opposite ball? Um. Yea man. BRO. HHAHAHAHAHA

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    • chronabis

      that one i have had some issues hding because it is the worst one for me... if i dont do it then i get extremely irritated, and sometimes when i do it i make the second hurt worse than the first one and then i have to do the first one. honestly its not that bad, but then again its a living hell... if that makes any sense.

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  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    No OCD is normal. It is not "normal" to suffer from OCD or any other mental health issue.
    I constitute "normal" as being in good health. Suffering from OCD is not being in good health. Having an OCD isn't that common either.

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  • Julieismyname

    Okay, thank you, someone who understands. That book you mentioned, in school that book was read to us and ever since that day I've been dealing with basically everything you wrote in here. I also have a friend dealing with the same thing. We believe that it was caused by that book.

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  • Sk4545

    See doctor!

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  • EccentricWeird

    You suck.

    One two three four.

    You suck.

    One two three four.

    You suck.

    One two three four.


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  • Aluysione

    I think everyone has an OCD or rather compulsion to do something on some level. OCD itself is normal, however an OCD that takes over and effects your life, inhibiting you from doing things you should or shouldn't is. I have OCD and I'm beginning to realize OCD in a mild (a bit disruptive) extreme (OMG you have to stop or this will happen) develop in people with rough or traumatic childhood's. Anything can be an OCD and specifically numbers, cleaning, checking and rechecking things and certain thoughts are some of the most common. I personally have quite a few OCD's and they're hard as hell to break. I have them with order of colors or blank spaces. I also have them with numbers. Certain numbers are bad and some are good. Doesn't matter if they're even or odd. If you're seriously to a point where you will hurt yourself, just to make something even, then I wouldn't call your OCD mild by any stretch. I'd say that's pretty extreme. If I got 6 cuts (6 is a bad number for me, though I'm starting to lose my number issues after working on them for a year) then I wouldn't try to give myself another cut just to make it 7 which would be an alright number. Also "Just to clarify, these are not obsessions or necessities, just strong urges, and nobody knows that i do it, i try to hide it as best I can." If you're having to hide what you do it's an OCD. You can stop an urge, you can't stop an OCD (unless you practice) and when you do stop if, you get a horrible nagging feeling when you don't participate in it. For instance. You reach your hand in to get a couple of cookies from a package. You count how many you have and realize it's three. Your doctor said the max is three but you get another just so it can be even numbered regardless of the consequence. Or conversely you were good about it and only had three, then all you can think about is that damn 4th cookie the rest of the day. That's an OCD. Also I know cookies could be an addiction, so just make the scenario an object of compulsion instead.

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  • disthing

    It's not normal, but I wouldn't say you necessarily need help, depends on how adversely it affects your life. It sounds like OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).

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  • braintrip

    not really no. well, to me atleast, my OCD just makes me want to clean everything up.
    i hate messes.

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    • chronabis

      my ocd has nothing to do with cleanliness at all.. just orginazation and symmetry and stuff like that. yes, there is a such thing as an organized mess, i am living proof

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  • noid

    Is any OCD "normal?"

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    • Yes, because there are more people with it than without.

      I'm odd because I don't have OCD.

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  • I have OCD and I do that shit. To be honest, it's undiagnosed OCD. My mental state is inconclusive. I've been diagnosed, I don't know if that's the right word, as totally sane, and with three different mental problems, at different points of my life. I suppose I could give it a whirl again, see if I get an OCD diagnoses, and get treatment, but why bother? I think some aspects of it are cool, and in school I got a lot of praise for creating symmetry, order, and being a perfectionist. Personally, I don't have a lot of faith in therapists. If you go see one, make sure you get a specialist, check their credentials, check reviews, everything. Make sure you feel they are perfect. Don't let a general therapist treat you. Don't settle. This is for you! And for your mind! You are worth the effort. I'm learning stuff like that in the support groups I'm going to. One on one therapy doesn't really do anything for me, but I like support groups.

    Addendum: I once read that OCD affects 1-2% of the population. I read somewhere else that it's more common, especially since public awareness and acceptance is high. It's common enough to be known. You could have it. There is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and there is Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. You might not have it too. If you did it's usually kind of obvious... like you read the symptoms, and remember doing those things as a child, not you read the symptoms and then for some reason start doing those things and say oh yeah I have OCD.

    I'm going to stop writing now. I think I've given enough advice.

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    • chronabis

      well thank you for all the input :) all opinions/information is valued

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  • Gumball

    I kind of squeeze the other one..

    Not to make a mockery of you but you sir just made my day.

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    • chronabis

      well im happy to be of service ;)

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  • flowergirl87

    Firstly, your post made me laugh - just because it's witty - 'which, as a Virgo, appealed to me' being my favourite bit. Anyway, it does sound like your compulsions are interfering with your everyday life, but if you say you can exercise some control over them, that's good. And you're aware of it, so hopefully have the ability to 'keep it in check' so it doesn't get worse. I would say your ocd is mild to moderate. Not that serious compared to a lot of sufferers. I've read stories about some people and I just think wow, why do you even get out of bed - as in, it's interfering with their daily life that much.

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    • chronabis

      i re read that whole thing and sort of wished i hadnt said all that, but since you enjoyed it im glad i did :)

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  • thr

    I don't understand why you include statements regarding whether you need help in the poll options. Whether you need help depends on how big of a problem it is for you.

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    • chronabis

      because i just kept typing when i put 'no, its not normal'. there was no reason it just sort of happened. i gave it no thought before or after it happened

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  • SangoNyappy

    Yes finally someone understands! I have the same thing and it drives me crazy...

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