How normal is my ocd?
if i flex one muscle, I have to flex the opposite one. If i stub my toe, i get an urge to hit the other one. when i'm typing, i change which fingers hit the keys until it feels about equal. hell, even when I get hit in the balls and it only gets one of them, i kinda squeeze the other until the pain is even. I also have a thing with evens and odds. I always end things on an even number if i can, like two steps per sidewalk crack, or 6 for every 2.
the evens/odds thing started in elementary school in first grade though. I dunno if your teachers ever read 'Even Steven and Odd Todd' but that shit ruined me. steven liked even numbers, was nice and did everything correctly and neatly, which, as a virgo, appealed to me, and todd was a little asshole who would come along and ruin stevens evens and make them odds. since then i have an extremely strong preference toward even numbers. How normal is that?
Just to clarify, these are not obsessions or necessities, just strong urges, and nobody knows that i do it, i try to hide it as best I can.
its not normal but its not abnormal either. | 37 | |
No, not normal at all, you need serious help | 22 | |
yes, it is normal, you have nothing to worry about | 13 | |
i have something like this too! | 24 |