How often do you masturbate?

Just jerked off three times since about 1:00 am. Trying to figure out what everyone else is like. I usually go at least once a day, sometimes more. Jerking off is super fun!

once a month 2
a few times each week 2
typing with one hand rn 0
more than once a month, but not every week 2
multiple times in one day 1
once a week 1
more than never, but less than 12 times a year 1
daily 2
Never 2
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Comments ( 12 )

    Jerking is great fun, but at some point you’ve got to graduate to having sex with a partner which is a lot more pleasure.

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    • I'm not fond of being touched, and using my imagination lets me have fun with anyone I want, regardless of where I am on the looks scale.

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      • DADNSCAL

        That’s sad. What led to your aversion to being touched? Were you beaten asa a child? And as for your looks, there’s someone who will appreciate your beauty out there. Also look at your grooming and hygiene habits. Also your attitude about life. Are you pleasant to be around? Nobody likes a sad sack.

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        • 1. Corporal punishment, wouldn't call it beating.
          2. Just don't like being touched; especially my back, I'm really skinny so my nerves are extra sensitive back there and I get skittish if they're prodded, even accidentally.
          3. I have standards that are way above what someone of my looks is allowed to have, so it's just easier to jerk off, since most people disgust me.
          4. Not a sad sack, actually happier than some married couples I know.

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  • Tinybird


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  • Somenormie

    I used to masterbate but not anymore.

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  • MonsteraDeliciosa

    I do not have a masturbation calendar...

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    • Tommythecaty

      You can have my old one, some of the pages are stuck together though.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Im trying to stop watching porn completely right now. Its just too easy to do when you have a weird sleep schedule and its convenient. But its gotta be bad for your brain. People laugh at that but how fuckin hard is it to stop lookin at porn? If ur not an addict it should be easy to stop for 2 months but its really hard.

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      I'm a female I've never been addicted to porn but I do understand how someone could be addicted to it. I'm sure like most things you just have to find an alternative.

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    • I almost never watch porn, but I still jerk off. Mostly, I just use my imagination.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Thats actually good dude. But why dont you watch porn?

        You dont realize how addictive it is until you try to stop.

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