How often is it normal to get bad headaches?

I'm concerned my headaches are a sign of something more serious, I get headaches at least once a week usually 2-3 times a week, but I'm not sure how normal it is to get regular headaches, how often do you get headaches, are multiple headaches a week normal?

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60% Normal
Based on 10 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • LuxM4G

    Talk to your doctor? You need to be subjected to some exams. Don't try to patch yourself with knowledge from the Internet. While some general content is useful, don't play doc with serious issues.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I used to get tremendous headaches almost every afternoon. They were so bad that no OTC medication would touch them and if I even blinked, it was some of the most intense pain I've ever experienced. I couldn't move, hardly even breathe for several hours.
    One afternoon I was thirsty and drank a liter of Gatorade and my headache was gone in minutes. All it was, was dehydration! I hope this will help you.

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  • Aries

    There are many possibilities behind these head aches and like others mentioned , it really could just be dehydration or something simple as this . I would really just go see the doctor and tell them about it . I hope you have a good doctor who will do some testing and analysis instead of handing over a bottle of advil .

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  • Lariii

    It could be stress.

    It could be that you need glasses, so maybe it's worth going for an eye test - that worked for my boss.

    It could equally be dehydration.

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  • howaminotmyself

    How bad is bad? Are you stressed? So many questions need to be asked to ascertain some sort of idea as to the cause.

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