How some ppl avoid cte

There's alot of boxers who when they get around 50 you can just tell something is wrong. They can not put a sentence together. They make Biden look like a grand master chess player. But then you got some boxers who took more damage and they show no signs of damage. Take Holmes and Foreman for example. Both ate bombs their entire career and fougbt into their 50s. Foreman did not have much defense! Yet in his 80s he's witty and he even does commentary for boxing some times and appears to have no issues whatsoever. But then you get guys that took much less damage like Jerry Quarry but are dying from dementia in their late 40s.

I think there is a genetic component that makes you almost immune to CTE.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    "I think there is a genetic component that makes you almost immune to CTE."

    So does the man with the greatest chin in boxing history George Chuvalo. When asked about his secret to never being knocked down let alone out in his 97 boxing matches (some with the likes of Muhammad Ali, George Foreman, Joe Frazier, Cleveland Williams, Jerry Quarry, Buster Mathis, Ernie Terrell, Floyd Patterson) he said:
    "I believe everyone is built differently. Some people are just born stronger, some people are just born faster, some people are born to hit hard and some people are born to take a hard hit. Sure I exercised my neck, jaw and shoulder muscles but I got things that you can't work on. My head's bigger than the average guy's and I got a short neck, Cause most the time it's your head whipping back that gets you not the punch itself. If I had a neck like a stack of dimes then my head will be bouncing all over the place."
    He's in his 80s now and he still sounds perfectly fine. Not only can he speak good he can also speak in both English and French.

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    • Chuvalo was a wicked body puncher. His fight with Floyd Patterson is one of my favorites.

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