How the hell do females ask other females out? ?

Bi sexuality is so much more common now as well as lesbians.

I am open to dating other women (24f), but when I hear of a lesbian couple I wonder how on earth they got together lol?

It's not like I can go up to one of my attractive friends and say "Hey want to go out "?

How does it work ladies?
I want to be able to have the confidence to ask a lass out but I'm not sure how to or if women even do this? Maybe it's all online?

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Comments ( 88 )
  • Just ask for her number or to go out for a coffee or a drink.

    I am a lesbian and very shy so they always take the initiative, if I'm lucky.

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    • aw okay thank you! :))

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      • Not at all. 😉

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        • insanebotv21

          how do you get people to ask you out?

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          • Usually flirting but I rarely hook up with girls these days.
            I have been in a few relationships though.

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        • Not at all what ? lol

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          • It means no problem.

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    • Seems like majority are shy because I've never once been hit on. ..

      Have you been asked out randomly before? :)

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      • A couple of times.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I'm giving you a thumbs up, because I like your suggestion, and just because I can.

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      • Thanks, honey.

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  • Bailey_Rose

    Unfortunately dating is a universal thing! Sometimes you just have to jump in and not be afraid of rejection. have you also looked into gay clubs, gay singles bars, dating apps, community events, etc......? Good luck!

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  • keedyk

    I'm a lesbian, and I've met all my past girlfriends online. Most other lesbians and bi women I've known of dating either met their girlfriends online, too, or in lesbian settings, such as lesbian bars/clubs or LGBT events at schools and such. I would never go up to a woman in a "hetero" environment and ask her out, even if I can basically tell she's into women or have heard her talk about it...especially since most "hetero" environments I'm in are work-related. I think this is the main reason why bi/les women don't get other girls hitting on them most of the time--we don't usually feel comfortable doing it unless it's a lesbian space.

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    • Interesting and thank you for your advice.

      I guess it's kinda like how guys rarely ask girls out irl.

      Everyone seems so chicken and just uses online. Sad really

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm not a lesbian, but I'll take a crack at this as I've pursued shy guys before myself.

    I would say that you should strike up a casual conversation with the person in whom you're interested to see if ya'll have anything in common, and whether or not the two of you click. If ya'll seem to hit it off then mention that you'd like to have coffee or lunch with her sometime, and ask for her number.

    I would also say to brace yourself for the possibility of rejection. Don't get bitter or booty hurt if you get rejected, because rejection is just part of life. Other people have the right to reject us, and conversely we have the right to reject others who are trying to put the moves on us.

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    • Thank you. .good advice however isn't this a friendly gesture? Considering it's a female asking another female out she could easily mistake it as a friendship thing.

      For example I've recently become friends with this girl and she's initiatived hanging out. First time we met up we had Lunch. I know that was purely friendship because I get the jist she's the friendly type. So how would I ensure it was a date in the future. .it's awkward saying to someone "Hey want to go out on a date rather than hang out as friends? "

      I just feel I'd lose them as a potential friend,they'd feel awkward etc. .

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      • you there?

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  • Ellenna

    You don't make it clear whether it's other lesbians you want to ask out or women whose sexuality you're not sure of and if the latter, whether you're out as a lesbian.

    If you know she's a lesbian, just ask her if she'd like to go for coffee and if that works out suggest a movie or a gay bar. Approaching someone you don't know is lesbian is more of a problem, especially if you're not out yourself.

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  • rayb12

    Its easier than doing it as a man

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  • morganfairchild

    I hope most women decide to become lesbian or bisexual, so we can have my re to choose from. When I was 24, it wasn’t as commonplace, but I’m glad to see it progressing. Most men that I know are accepting of it and some help to encourage more of us women to seek other women.

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  • SammyStarts

    Just like you would ask out a guy. I mean if you get rejected well fuck it's whatever same as you get rejected with guys.

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  • Berenice66

    I have this probem too. I like this girl in my class but don't know if she's bi or lesbian...or is willing to experiment. I'm shy as well.

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  • lonewolf1253

    Many meet thru craigslist or other personal ads. Also, gay bars are very popular. Or just thru friends who are lesbian or bi. Just asking a girlfriend if she swings that way? Probably not a good idea. Lots of girls are bi. Keep your ears open. if you see an opening, go for it.

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  • Nickvey

    my wife worked her way into it , by first having threesums with married couples and then getting into the circle of friends that were dedicated lesbians. Call it the indirect approach if you will. it works so , what can you say about it. Better get busy because unless you can see yourself going down on a fat 47 year old granny that now looks like a man your sex life will be over.

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    • Ellenna

      You're ridiculous: I'm a fat 71 year old granny who still loves sex and I definitely don't look like a man!

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  • Dustyair

    What a load of fag propaganda.

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  • GoldenOldie

    You accuse someone else as being perverted? Hmm. . . Back to your post: Don't you queers have some kind of knowing eye contact? I suggest you use it. And what about trolling a lesbian bar? You must know other lesbians. Why not ask one of them? Why put yourself open to attack on this site?

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    • Hell yeah!

      And what are you at? I legitimately am looking for actual advice in regards to dating. Quite frankly I'm sick of that Nick guy. He's a perverted sex freak. I'd appreciate if he left me and my posts alone

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      • EnglishLad

        I'm a perverted sex freak and I'm getting sick of this Nick guy too.

        You do you, and ignore the haters.

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    • Also the plan wasn't to put myself open to attack on this site.

      This site is not supposed to be a place for that sort of none sense -_-

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      • lonewolf1253

        Block the asshole. He won't see your comments. You won't see his. Problem solved.

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        • Dam good idea

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    • Nickvey

      yes they do. buy a plaid shirt and a pair of work boots and stomp around the mall. the lipstick lesbians won't approach you but the butch dykes will . If you are a lipstick lesbian you just go out for a coffee and stay up late watching TV with them and then its too late to drive home so you spend the night. then the goodnight kiss turns into a free for all. big cities have lesbians bars , you can find them easily just by typing in lesbian bar and your city name. i have done it. also my wife finds sex by going to lesbian artist concerts . half the women are lesbians and the other half are their to meet lesbians. women would come up to me and say oh my god , i saw your wife at so and so concert, i didnt know she was that way. And i would say well she wasnt when we married but i guess sticking your finger in it all day at work was what did it. she is a OB nurse. No point in being bitter about it it is what it is. she was still breeding me the whole time untill she hormonally no longer wanted any sex. I have had a great life , my attitude about sex is its a gift and never ever turn it down. sharing your toys is nice no matter your age. and the big guy upstairs knows what we all do . he just doesnt know why we dont do it more often.

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