How to be as alpha as jock willinks

Are you just born this way? Watch videos of Jocko Willinks speaking it seems everything he says is so matter of fact and reasonable. He doesn't come off as having poor character whatsoever. Hes balanced too he's not macho or arrogant. Even people that disagree with him come away liking him.

How can you train a young kid to be like that? Is it even possible?

Born 2
Raised 1
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Comments ( 4 )
  • ellnell

    "Alpha" is a ridiculous concept and everyone who unironically identifies themself by such labels oughta be avoided at all costs.

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    • I see what you mean and I can agree to an extent but Jocko Willinks is not someone that comes off as a person you'd want to avoid. He puts out father vibes. He's the guy you'd trust to watch your kids and house when ur gone.

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  • Whatintarnation

    Well the Jocko you're seeing now is the result of all his experiences and trials. Tough to teach that to someone. But you can try and emulate him. He's obviously very driven. He sets his mind to something and does it. He is also an avid reader and outdoorsman. His "Good" video on YouTube is good motivation if you're looking for a place to start.

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    • More less looking to raise my kids to be like that. I'm already stuck in my ways lol. Everytime I see his interviews I come away thinking what a fuckin stud this dude is. He's the kind of dude you hope your daughter dates.

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