How to be cool in university?
Let's start with clothes. I know first and foremost that clothes from any kind of skateboarding store are not acceptable, Odd Future clothes DEFINITELY not acceptable. Expensive TopMan items seem somewhat passable. Obviously Louis Vuitton and Gucci are good as buyout options. Any suggestions?
What kind of sport should I play as well? Football seems safe enough, but a bit stodgey for my tastes. Soccer is considered totally unacceptable by machismos. I'd get polesmacked (beaten with an aluminium pole) if I chose that. Maybe basketball.
Other variables I can think of off the top of my head include electives and alcoholic drink choices. What kinds of those are acceptable?
Let's get this straight: I don't want to hear "Be yourself". That's NOT the kind of person I want to be at university. I'm trying to be what is called a "competitive". A competitive is a person who has ambitions of climbing the social ladder, and being socially and financially successful. All latter people are called "NCs" or "Non-competetive". These kinds of people usually faff around in "Just-for-fun degrees".