How to get rid of bed and get an?

So I have binge eating disorder, but nothing has been done about it, not to mention my unhealthy relationship with weight.

I'm at a healthy weight everyone tells me, but I want to get skinny. I am very short, at around 5"3'.

My target weight is around 80 pounds, but it will take a while to get there.

I dont care about repercussions. I understand this is a dark path I'm going down, but I dont want to stop.

Simply put, how do I develop anorexia nervosa without anyone knowing?

And what is the fastest method to see my results?


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Comments ( 14 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Yeah... Most people I've seen that are less than 90 pounds are bony and so nutrient deprived that they look five to ten years older than what they actually are. What's the point in trying to look ugly? XD

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  • a-curious-bunny

    Meth. But everyone's gonna know anyways this way will be quick at least. Plus you'll drop the unnessucary weight provided by teeth

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    • raisinbran

      Not to mention hair and useless brain matter.

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      • a-curious-bunny

        Oh yea loose that pointless stuff they'll be 80lbs or less in no time

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  • radar


    In my understanding part of binge eating disorder can also involve purging by various means. It sounds like your wanting to do this might be part of that.

    Someone I really care about has the same thing and honestly I don't give a flying shit how fat or skinny he is, I just want him to be happy and healthy and not feel bad about his body. Anyone who loves you feels the same way. And anyone who doesn't can fuck off.

    Also I don't know how you expect to quickly drop a bunch of weight without that being noticed and worried about. It won't happen.

    Seems unlikely that any of us can change your mind, but for the record your mind is sick. These thoughts you are having are already an illness, you don't need to "get" another one.

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  • litelander8


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  • Imafriendyrock

    What helps me lose weight is eating next to no carbs. Ill eat high fat. This keeps you from having crazy blood sugar spikes so it is easier to go long periods without eating. When I need to lose weight I'll skip breakfast and lunch and only eat when I get home, usually 2 meals before bed and I also go jogging. The weight really does fall off when you do it. Look up intermittent fasting.

    This is similar to how athletes like wrestlers and boxers make weight. People like Conor McGregor walk around weighing 180 and fight at 155. Once you learn how to do it its really easy to take the weight off.

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  • Troll post, you cant possibly be this retarded.

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    • LloydAsher

      On contrary this is the internet. Think of how stupid the average person is and then 50% of them are stupider than that.

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  • SwickDinging

    If you don't care about the consequences then just start taking heroin or crack. The weight will fall off you. You'll totally ruin your life and look disgusting, and possibly die, but you will be thin.

    Please just speak to a doctor. Anorexia kills a huge percentage of it's victims.

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  • Pilum

    You are mentally ill.

    And that's way too skinny. People will think youre sick or on drugs. I don't see the point.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm no expert, but I imagine that at your height a healthy weight would be about 115 pounds.

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  • olderdude-xx

    People will notice that you are unhealthy (which is obvious once you loose too much weight).

    I really think you should seek out professional assistance and find out why you want to be so unhealthy.

    The end state of your desire is death... and its not a fun or pretty way to go...

    Please do some internet searches on Karen Carpenter, and I suggest you start by watching videos and listening to her music.

    In her days virtually no one (even the vast majority of medical professionals) had no idea about eating disorders; and the PBS documentary on her indicated that only something like 3 specialist in the USA even knew the term anorexia.

    Karen Carpenter's final gift to the world was raising awareness of anorexia and other eating disorders in the world.

    It was such a loss...

    I'm sure that you have a song to sing that will assist others in this world... even if you cannot sing as well as Karen did. Please, get this addressed, become successful, and sing your song to the world... no matter the form or message.

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  • Somenormie

    Both binge eating disorder and anorexia is dangerous!, this sort of reminds me of one of my old posts ( ), to weigh 80 lbs is unhealthy and I am not going to recommend joining things like pro-ana groups as they put your life in danger. You need to care more about repercussions as anorexia has a bit of a mortality rate meaning that this can kill people and if you do get anorexia you'll quickly develop deficiencies which isn't good for you nor for your own wellbeing, I am not going to say this because I feel like it no, when you also mention about seeing the fastest method there isn't a really known method. I know I don't say this a lot though I have said it in the past: please seek professional help, I recommend that you do because what you are wanting to do isn't normal nor is this in any way healthy. Not to mention even if you do it without anyone knowing people will start to realise you have the symptoms of anorexia nervosa, in conclusion your ideas sound quite foolish in my own opinion.

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