How to like horror

I'm not usually that scared by horror films but when seeing them in the cinema I hate it, I understand it as I've recieved an adrenaline rush after jump scares but I hate the suspence, I want to enjoy the thrill of being scared but I just hate it.

It's even worse in video games as you have to interact and you can't look away, even dead space 3 which according to everyone else is just an action game terrifies me, I have to turn it off. With games like alien isolation coming out I want to enjoy it but I know I won't. I want to watch a horror film in a cinema and love it, it's as if I enjoy the idea of being scared more than the reality of it.

has anyone got any tips for me to get over this, I've tried exposure therpy like playing horror games with a headset and in the dark but i can't do it. Has anyone else overcome this and started to enjoy horror?

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Comments ( 17 )
  • seakelp

    I'm not sure how to respond to this. Are you asking if it's normal to not like horror?

    If you don't like horror, don't force yourself to do so.

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    • I just feel like i'm missing out on a wide range of entertainment

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I am horror.

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    • Holzman_67

      the horror... the horror...

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  • shuggy-chan

    grow a pair?

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    • boobs or balls?

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      • shuggy-chan

        either works for me, ball will help you with not being scared, and boobs will help with give me something to hmmm at when your scared

        but seriously horror is suppose to be fun cause it scares you, gets you to jump and heart rate going, but if you dont like it, you dont like it.

        best bet is to keep dabbling into it, eventually you will become less scared from it

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        • RoseIsabella

          *in a German accent*
          My breasts give me courage!
          *lights a cigarette and French inhales*

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  • xtreemgamer129

    How I cured myself of horror: buy Amnesia The Dark Descent, Skype call someone with screenshare, throw books around and make a mess, and make cute meowing noises while you make a mess. Your friends giggles and comments will keep you sane while you play.

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    • Don't have anything that's good enough to play it on :(

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  • dom180

    I don't usually like horror either. I don't think there is something about the way I look at horror which stops me appreciating it insomuch as I just think most horror is shit at making fear a satisfying experience. Maybe I just don't understand horror, but a lot of it feels like gratuitous violence and jump scares for the sake of it at the expense of a compelling story or thoughtful message (which are two things I look for in films I like).

    I really like Pan's Labyrinth, a fantasy film which I think has some elements of horror. It's done tastefully; there are no jump scares and there's a limit to the gratuitous goriness. I would recommend it to anyone who doesn't like horror but wants a dark, scary film.

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  • Holzman_67

    I would suggest watching them/playing them during daylight hours. They're nowhere near as scary then, and you can establish a tolerance to that kind of thing if you wish to, through exposure. Reminding yourself it is only fiction is helpful too.

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  • Pika-girl

    How to like horror:

    Watch and read as many Creepypastas as you can everyday. I recommend reading then watching.

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  • handsignals

    survival horror rules, should be more of it.

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    • again. I loved the idea of silent hill 2 but couldn't even get through the apartment after seeing pyramid head get dirty with horrific leg things. Same thing happened with call of Cthulhu dark corners of the earth. Got to the chase scene and couldn't play it
      There seems to be a new wave of survival horror now though. Amnesia the dark descent prooved to publishers that there's a market for things like that, now we are getting things like outlast, alien isolation and loads of indi stuff like slenderman and eyes.

      the new horror from the guy who did the origani resi games the evil within looks shit. He said it's back to classic survival horror but it looks like an action game

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  • ExoticMayanSaturday

    I love the thrill of watching horror movies I feel like it's a rush for me like someone who would ride a roller coaster I can watch any scary movie alone. Not scary video games though fuck that shit freaks me out fallout3 is as scary as I'll get or turok or bio shock. That's all

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    • shuggy-chan

      spoken like a girl that never played the first 20 mins of Outlast (shudders) i never said the Fuck so much in my life. i really should had recorded that. i been an youtube sensation by now lol

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