How to make him change his entire style please

Ive gotten involved with a metalhead except he looks like the most basic proper dressed person ive ever seen in my life. There isnt a hint of alternative in his style and i'm a very alternative rock chick. Its not like I can control what im attracted to, like ???
Ive seen a few photos of him with longer hair, just shoulder length, and he looks so much better... if he could at least grow his hair that would make a huge difference. It just suits his face better...
How can I tell him to grow his hair out and should I take him shopping? Thanks. It's a favour for him as well as he might get something sooner if he does this... Just saying ya know. He could try a hat as well. My exes wore hats so obviously I have a thing for hats. I put a lot of effort into my fashion and I only think its fair to be on the same level of effort.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Vvaas

    unless he approaches you first and asks for tips/advice on styling or fashion leave him alone

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  • SkullsNRoses

    How is this “doing him a favour”? Using sex to manipulate him to change his style is not a favour. Some metalheads choose not to have the “alternative aesthetic” because they don’t want the harassment and ridicule it can come with, they feel they can’t pull it off and would look like try-hards or they simply have no interest in it.

    If dressing like Andy Biersack, Slash or a 2000s My Chemical Romance member is a requirement you should probably date someone else honestly. Trying to sculpt this guy to be who you want him to be is a recipe for disaster.

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  • Tommythecaty



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    I feel so sorry for the poor guy that got mixed up with you. You’re a domineering self centered b**** who already wants to change him. With any luck, he’ll resist and dump you or you’ll get tired of trying and dump him.

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  • allialli

    You should never date someone with the intent of changing them.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    As someone who dresses in alternative clothes, I've gotta say, you don't really seem mature at all. Trying to change him just because he doesn't look your type is straight up toxic.

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  • olderdude-xx

    You don't.

    I suggest that you move on before you cause more problems than you want in life.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    This is definitely controlling g behaviour. An ex did this to me.
    So my answer to your question is to not do it.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    You know what's also toxic? Toxic waste. Listen to me Goose, I sure as hell hope geese aren't toxic, and if they are, you're nuts.

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  • bigbudchonger

    Nah fuck it, I'm with you, OP. People change in a relationship in order to accomidate one another. I would try and look more attractive to a partner, and I would like the same for me. I really don't think you're asking for the moon here.

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