How to stop falling in love with someone you know you can’t have

This is embarrassing to say but I am a gay idiot who has an intense crush on my married straight boss. I live in a place where being gay is hated by the society around it. I didn’t ask to be born gay and can’t help having a crush on my boss. I try to deny that feeling but I always failed horribly.

It’s emotionally excruciating to bottle up the fact that I am gay for my boss since I can’t ask for advice from people around me considering they hate gay people. I have to pretend that I am straight. I hate myself for being something that hurts me emotionally.

Is there a way to stop this shit? I just want to be happy, for fuck sake.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Lusty-Argonian

    I was in love with my ex for a long time after he left me. The only way I was able to get over him was when he canceled on me last minute with no explanation I was finally able to move on from him. Sometimes you just can't get over someone Till they show you without a doubt that they don't feel the same.

    My advise try to put him out of your head. Tell yourself you don't care for him over and over and over again. Eventually you'll start to beilive it and it'll become true

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Most likely no one around you hates gays. People dont like the exaggerated feminine behavior that comes off as a put on.

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  • idkyourmom27

    kill yo boss's wife, worked for my homeboy DeShawn, then he got hung for bein a gay

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  • Curiouskitten444

    admit youre powerless over your crush and go to a zoom slaa meeting

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