How to stop period forever?

I don't want to just stop it for several months, I literally want a solution where I'll never have another period in my life. I don't really give a shit about fertility, so if there is a way where I can never have periods but have to give up making babies sign me the fuck up.

I know there's hysterectomy but I'm only 18 and I don't want to go through that menopause bullshit. So, any other ways? Pills, injections, surgery? I'll take anything that doesn't drastically alter my body like a hysterectomy. I heard testosterone can stop periods, is that true or not?

This last bit is optional to read if you want to know why I don't want periods, it's because it's fucking DISGUSTING. Like you can tell me you think bleedin from your vagina is natural but nah it just ain't right. Everyday I gotta clean out this gross brown shit from my vagina and it's fucking disgusting man. Plus when I gotta piss there's a chance of blood dripping on the toilet like the fuck who wants blood vagina on their toilet?? Not me!

Then you gotta either stick a tampon in your vagina or where pads all day like that's just fucked up. Plus we be fucking leaking all day like broken water pipes, why haven't scientists come up with a way to tell periods to go fuck themselves? You can't even fuck if your horny, it's just bullshit and I want a way out man. I didn't sign up for this shit :/

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Comments ( 47 )
  • ATM

    Its part of being a female with a cunt.
    Theres no preventing that , unless you have the sex change operation , addadicktomy.
    From what I hear , doctors won't perform hysterectomy's on women until they are at least 25 years old.
    So , stop your whining and complaining and grin and bear it.
    Life isn't a bowl of cherries.
    NO pun intended about your cherry.
    Do you want some cheese with that whine ?

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    • i'm going to smear my vagina blood all over you

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      • ATM

        Thats fine.
        Its nothing I havent done before.
        On my face please.
        Do you like to fuck when you are ragging ?
        If you think that having a period once a month is your biggest worry and hang - up in life , then you are clueless about the real world.
        There are bigger and worse things to worry about in this fucked up world.
        Sit on my face and spread your 2 HOT ass cheeks wide apart and plant your poop chute { shit pipe } on my tongue and nose and I will eat your bald cunt and deep rim your asshole until you bleed , cum , piss , fart , shit on my face and in my mouth.
        FYI , its called a cunt.
        This isnt the medical field , so theres no point in using cute fancy medical terminology.
        Also , the male sex organ is called a cock and balls { Nuts } .

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        • foods-dangerous-to-dogs

          Why are you like this.

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        • you need to calm down

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          • ATM

            Youre the one in hysterics because you cant deal with being a female.
            When did you start having your period , when you were 9 or 10 years old ?
            Doesn't the feeling of having sex with cocks in your cunt and in your ass and mouth offset the cramps 5 days a month ?
            Do you have sex when you are ragging ?
            Sex during periods help relieve the cramps.

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    • Tinybird

      What if you're 19 and you know for certain you'll never want to squeeze a grapefruit-sized child's head through your vagina? Because I sure as hell don't, I've had a phobia of childbirth since I was really young and have always known I don't want to go through it for anything. I won't change my mind. Come on, an ADULT should be able to choose whether to make those changes or not. It's her own BODY after all.

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      • CushieSandy

        I completely agree! I'm 40 now. I've know since I was 10/11 I never wanted kids. My stance has NEVER changed. It should be the patients choice not the doctor. If they're worried you'll change your mind they should just make you sign a contract stating that it was your choice and they won't be held responsible if you change your mind so you can't sue them...that way everyone is happy and gets what they want.

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  • jr__

    It might have been said by other posters ...ablation of the uterine lining. To keep the uterus and ovaries but no lining to slough off each month.

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  • Tempest-au

    There is an implant (not sure of the name) you can get inserted into your arm to provide continual birth control over a 6 month period. It also stops periods.

    Ask your GP, or presumably a Family Planning Clinic

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    • charli.m

      It's three years. It makes some people bleed non stop til they have it removed. It's also ridiculously expensive in the US.

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      • Tempest-au

        No there are different ones. One woman I know had an implant that stopped her having periods. My DIL had an implant that gave her a period every 2 weeks. Maybe the same thing affecting different people in different ways, I'm not sure - sorry, I'm neither a woman, nor a gynocologist.

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        • charli.m

          Pretty sure there's only one, but I could be wrong.


          There's also an injection you can have every three months. It's chemically the same as the implant, just different delivery.

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          • Tempest-au

            Implanon is the one my Daughter-In-Law had, and hated (period every 2 weeks).

            A former friend had an implant and never had a period - so I presume it was a different one, unless it just worked differently with her. Unfortunately we are no longer in contact, so I can't find out what she was using.

            As I said, no "personal" experience here, so check with a doctor.

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  • IMissMary

    Total hysterectomy = no ovaries and no uterus = no period

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    • wigz

      Um, there's partial hysterectomy. If the ovaries (or at least one ovary) are healthy and not expected to become unhealthy, they are left in place so as not to cause the hormonal issues associated with menopause.

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      • IMissMary

        The OP might like that...I'm a guy so I could actually care less.

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    • Yeah but then I'm forced to go through menopause :(

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      • Ellenna

        No, not necessarily: removal of uterus will mean no periods but ovaries can remain so you don't go into premature menopause.

        What's wrong with taking the contraceptive pill permanently?

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      • wigz

        No, there's partial hysterectomy where the ovaries are left but good luck finding a doctor to do that for you at 18. There's some serious drawbacks to having no uteris though. Prolapse of the vagina is fairly common, for example.

        Something that may be more realistic for you is 'endometrial ablation'. Still, it impacts fertility so doctors may be reluctant to do it for you at 18, unless you have awful periods or a serious medical/genetic condition.

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        • Thanks, though I don't know if I should remove my ovaries or not because I have Polycestic overian disease meaning my ovaries are bigger than average and there's a chance of getting uterus cancer if I don't go on something to help it, so idk if removing my ovaries would help or not.

          Idk why doctors would be so concerned whether or not my vagina could pop out a kid or not, like we literally have 8 billion people on the earth already, I think it's time to stop lol. I could be infertile anyway, because I heard women that have the ovary disease are more likely to be infertile than a normal person.

          And wtf is vagina prolapse? Does it fall off? lol

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          • wigz

            No, it falls down (and sometimes out). Vaginal prolapse after hysterectomy happens because by removing the uterus, you remove structure. The uterus does more than house a baby, it literally holds shit up and together in there. It is a major part of your pelvic organ structure. Removal of the uterus is pretty serious and typically only done if medically necessary.

            Endometrial ablation is basically burning the inside of the uterus causing it to not be able to collect blood (make a period) or allow a fertilized egg to attach. If you have miserable periods, which a lot of women with pcos do, this may be your best bet. For most women, it stops or seriously lightens periods and provides birth control. It is permanent though so doctors may not want to do it. Ethics. But if you have legit medical reason for it you should be able to get it done.

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          • charli.m

            Removal of the ovaries doesn't help PCOS, it's an endocrine disorder.

            Have you seen an endocrinologist? Seeing one helped me with mine way more than the dumbfuck gyno who literally didn't even look at me during our appointment.

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            • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#Q1

              Birth control damages a womans endocrine system and he probably was afraid to take a look at it because he took one look at YOU and feared a false rape allegation.

              Do you identify as being a Feminist?

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            • I've never even heard of a endocrinologist before, my GP just referred me to a gynecologist which was around two years ago but they didn't really help, I'm seeing another one this week though.

              I'll look into seeing a endocrinologist though, idk if there are any around me but I'll try and find one. Thanks :o

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      • IMissMary can't have everything.

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  • Azaman

    Haha I'm sorry but I find your post funny. So much angst. Well, I don't know if there's a way to stop it for good, but I did know a girl who had some kinda device put in as an alternative to birth control, it was suppose to be effective for several years I think. Don't even know if it would help your situation. Also, who says you can't fuck on your period? In my experience girls get way hornier while on their period, and as a guy, I'm not gonna let a little blood get in my way.

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  • Assexual

    You have to live with it, this is how God made us, and we have no right to challenge it for we are his. Life is a painful trial to test your faith, if you are patient and accept the miseries God puts you through and have your faith intact God will surely reward you after you die. Believe in God, believe in Jesus and give up all your animal urges like unauthorized sex, mixing too much with the opposite sex (in your case me) keeping a distance from them and not being too revealing and all. Be patient, don't loose faith and God will reward you. And don't discuss these disgusting private things with others.

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    • if god is really the reason for me pissing out blood every month i'm going to bleed all over his face from my vagina

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        If you sit on my face , you can bleed , cum , piss , fart , shit out of your cunt { twat } and asshole to your hearts content.
        But if you start lactating blood out of your nipples and tits , then it's a real dilemma.

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        • Tinybird

          How is it possible to shit out of your cunt? lol

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      • IMissMary


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      • LundaiCocoaDelight20

        Lol, if god is the reason the little red dot comes every month I'm going to bleed in his mouth right after you do.

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  • Solarith

    Have a sex change, Caitlyn style!

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  • MasakakiKairi

    You can have sex on your period, btw.

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  • Potatoskins

    The problem is facing the progesterone + estrogen balance. You may get fatter or crankier after stopping for good. Talk to your gynecologist about the possible ways of stopping it. I remember mine had a chart about different kinds of stuff, but mine was kind of wacky (I wanted to be regular and she prescribed birth control, came back great and she's like, "well we can do it so it's only 4 months! " I want to be regular XD)

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    You only have about 32 years left of having periods.
    Your twat will dry up after menopause in your 50's.
    But menopause can last up to 7 years from start to finish.
    If you start menopause and it stops for awhile after 1 or 2 years and starts up again , then the time frame starts all over again , it doesnt pickup where it left off.
    Premarin medication is good for hot flashes.
    If you dont like having sex in your cunt when you are on your periods every month , you can just stick the cocks in your ass and in your mouth.
    Is your cunt hairy or trimmed or shaved bald ?

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  • _Jesus_

    There are some birth control that can stop it almost 100%.
    Or you could just get pregnant ever 9 months until you are in your 40s

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  • mysistersshadow

    Some forms of birth control will pretty much stop your period. You might still spot occasionally but its very little. Talk to your doctor and explain what you're trying to accomplish. You do have to be careful though if you have any blood clotting issues becos it can effect that and blood clots can kill you.

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