How to tell a guy you don't like him as much as he does?

I've been dating this guy for almost two months now and he likes me way more than I like him. He tells me the cutest stuff to which I can't reply because I just don't feel that way. I like spending time with him but I don't want him to get too serious. How do I do it?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • mountain-man82

    Just explain to him how you are feeling. Why is it so hard for people to do that?

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  • thegypsysailor

    Is this something that needs to be vocalized? If you don't allow things to progress in a direction you don't want to go, isn't that going to indicate your feelings? It's possible, if you do talk about this with him, the relationship might end there.

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  • RoseIsabella

    "I love you, but I'm just not in love with you."

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  • AppleMind

    It's not you it's me . . . ?

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  • EccentricWeird

    Write to a newspaper advice column, maybe someone who gives a shit will publish a response to your inane query.

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