How we can make is it normal better.

I was thinking about how us, IIN'ers could make the site better. Not that it's Bad now, but i thought of a way to do so.
Ok so, if the site adds a friends list, then i think that would be good. Also i like the idea of rainbow name? I found it on a post once and i thought it was cool! [All Credit goes to the idea owner] But tell me if you like the ideas down there v. also if you have your own idea, feel free to comment it :D

Stupid -.- 26
Its an Ok idea.... 32
Awesome! 17
Other [comment] 5
Help us keep this site organized and clean. Thanks!
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Comments ( 54 )
  • Johnnytherat

    we need to ban that johnnytherat asshole he never trys to help anyone he just makes corny jokes seriously ban that guy

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    • salamithefat


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  • SangoNyappy

    I don't want IIN to become a social site....

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  • Avant-Garde

    No. Adding a friend's list would make this site on step closer to all of those other sites down there and ultimately undermine the original purpose of this site. What if people feel alienated because they have a lack of friends? What if cliques form? A post similar to this was created sometime last year where in which, users like norabaker managed to drive the point home.

    As for the rainbow colour choice, it would have to available to gold users only.

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    • NeuroNeptunian


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      • Avant-Garde

        Heard that, Sista!!!


        *Rotates head like sassy turtle*

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Its perfect the way it is. Im accepted even with my flatulence

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    • howaminotmyself

      Lucky for you that smell can't be transferred over the internet. :P

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      • robbieforgotpw

        Nice pic, are you a photographer?

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        • howaminotmyself

          Thank you. No, not a photographer, I just like to take pictures.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Smell-O-Vision is yet to be commercially invented...

      *Does a backflip*

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      • robbieforgotpw

        Ahhh, it's my athletic young understudy...that is where you're wrong.
        I know you'll smell this one!
        *Strains too hard..Bbrrttttpptttttt
        Your gymnastic prowess won't deliver you now! Ahahaha

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        • Avant-Garde

          That's what you think!

          *Dramatically teleports out of room*

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          • robbieforgotpw

            "Curses!" We'll meet again my resourceful near-equal"

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  • dom180

    We should get a petting zoo.

    I think the friend's list would potentially be a good idea for Gold users, but less useful for us regular users seeing as only Gold users can PM.

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  • The more we make this sit like a social website such as Facebook, the more likely this site will change, and that isn't so great.

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  • disthing

    My Idea #1:

    Give the search bar more attention!

    I think it'd be good to move it underneath the main logo on the front page - give it a sort of Google prominence. People wondering about something will be encouraged to use it first before posting a question.

    Related posts will automatically appear somewhere alongside the search bar (rather than redirecting to another page) as they do when you are submitting a post.

    Advantages = Fewer repeat posts & more activity on older posts (instead of an ever expanding archive of dead posts).

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    • Shackleford96

      Again, I agree with this and don't see any negatives to this idea.

      I think the OP jacked my post with their own...

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      • Sorry if you think i did. I actully didn't even know you had a post like this one.

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    • disthing

      Older posts being more active as a consequence could mean those posts make it back on to the front page in the Most Popular Today. That means older conversations and topics are re-invigerated by a new audience.

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  • Dulse.

    Rainbow letters would be neat.

    I would like it if the site had a few different colour schemes to choose from. There could be a dark one with light letters. It would be nice on the eyes at night.

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    • Shackleford96

      I suggested this idea to TheManagement once (a 'lights out' theme, if you will), he seemed to like the idea, but it was never implemented. He probably had more important things to attend to.

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  • davesumba

    If there was a friend's list, to make it so you can talk to people and see when they are online, then only gold members would be able to use it. And I wouldn't pay a single dollar a month to use facebook, where I actually know the people in real life, much less $5 a month to have a cyber friends list here.

    How to make this site SIGNIFICANTLY better? Simply put ads on it and throw away the [horrible] gold system, so anyone can see the unmoderated posts and message people. All you need is ad block and you don't even see the ads anyway. It works for a multi million (billion?) dollar company like facebook without annoying people, and it will work here.

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    • But if you do that, How will the site make money? You Need to have money while running a website....the website would shut down.

      I don't think Everyone can see unmoderated posts, well because as everyone knows, there are trolls. And the troll will make a troll post, go on unmoderated, then approve their own posts. IIN would be scattered with stories.

      What i think they should do, is somehow Confirm your 18 or older by putting in emails or something.

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      • disthing

        Davesumba is saying replace revenue gained from Gold with revenue gained from in-site advertising.

        Personally I don't have a problem with Gold. It's not like TheManagement took away features or functionality from the non-premium members, they just created a couple of bonus features for those willing to pay. I prefer that to seeing pay-per-click ads imbedded all over the place, or having to use ad-block.

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      • davesumba

        They could make plenty of money by offering ad space to advertisers, like facebook does. And fmylife lets people who sign up for the site for free vote on the unmoderated posts, and that works for them. It doesn't take one troll to vote on his own post to get it through, there is still plenty of people to check it.
        And I, and i'm sure plenty of other people, aren't going to pay to use this site, but would love to see unmoderated posts and private message people. I don't really care that I can't, but it would still make the site more enjoyable if I could.

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        • dom180

          I'd hate to see ads on IIN. The site has a really clean look which is one of the reasons it appeals to me, and I can't think of a way advertising could be done tastefully enough to keep that. I was a bit skeptical that anyone was going to use Gold when it was introduced, but it seems loads of regulars use it.

          Also, I think TheManagement once mentioned that it was difficult to find companies willing to use a site like IIN to advertise on because of all the dog sex/incest/weird fetish posts; mainstream advertisers don't usually want to be associated with that kind of content.

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          • davesumba

            haha, that's a good point about the dog sex/incest/fetish. But like I said, there's no reason anyone shouldn't have the Ad Block plug in for their web browser. It prevents ad pop ups, and even in site ads from appearing on any website, like those annoying ads on the side of Facebook which somehow are really closely related to stuff that you search for and look at on other websites.

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            • dom180

              I *never* use adblock because if I'm using a website that means I want that website to keep existing, and blocking ads means the site gets less money to keep existing. In fact, if IIN hosted ads but everyone used adblock, IIN wouldn't get any money from the ads (because companies won't pay for ads that don't get seen) so there'd be no point it hosting them after all! :P It might sound dramatic, but if everyone used adblock the internet as we know it would cease to exist because the primary system of funding it would collapse.

              It'd rather tolerate a few ads to keep the internet from collapsing. However, if a website can more-or-less support itself through subscription services like IIN Gold then there's no reason it should host ads at all. IIN does the bare minimum in advertising (you only have to see it if you're not signed in), and it shouldn't do any more than that unless it requires it to keep afloat.

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  • Antir0b0t

    Don't change a thing!!!!!!!!!! YARG.

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    • Shackleford96

      Change isn't all bad :)

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      • Antir0b0t

        Why change something if it performs great the way it is? It'll be like the new YouTube/Google that I hate/love. Changing every week. No more of that!!!!!

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        • Shackleford96

          Yeah, too much change can be pretty annoying, I'll give you that. I don't think this website will ever get as bad as youtube is though.

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  • White_October

    You can make IIN better by allowing underage people to use this site. It's a bullshit rule!

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    I propose 3 Private Messages/month for non-Gold members. That way if someone starts talking shit, they only have 3 messages to do so in, yet all the cool people still get a chance to talk privately. Besides, as a free member I don't really feel a need PM very often.

    As for a friend's list, I wouldn't mind as long as I'm aware of who's list I'm on. I don't really see that ending badly... It could take away from anonymity in the long run, somehow, but I don't know.

    It does seem like this site is missing one thing that would make it perfect.. maybe it is a friends list and rainbow colors. Or maybe facebook and the rest of the inter-web have simply discontented our acceptance of privacy and confidentiality.

    What other reason would we want a friends list other than to keep tabs on our favorite users? Yeah, basically we want to stalk one another.

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  • alv1592

    Sure why not? How about a block list as well? Like, blocking certain users from appearing, contacting you, etc...

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  • Dot123

    More incest and rape stories.

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    • Dotty, Dotty, Dotty. Hmm -Sigh- What will i do with you.

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      • Dot123

        Spank me?

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        • independentblackwoman

          Only cause you asked for it.

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          • Dot123

            Awwwwwwwwww yeeeeeaaaaaahhhh!

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  • What's a friend's list?

    IIN would be better if there was some sort of weeding out trolls... and preventative measures to ensure they stay out... but a part of why I like it so much here is because of all of us crazies!

    I want my sheep plushy.

    And I want some of my favorite users back... that would most definitely make IIN a better place....

    I also need someone to listen to this song and tell me they think it's good too.

    I also ALSO want some sort of get out, exercise, be healthy, initiative... like even pokemon made the pokewalker and had the pokeathalon... to encourage kids to exercise and be healthy!

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  • Shrunk

    It would be nice if they didn't decline every one of my stories now... I think they have changed too much already
    One idea i had awhile ago was that users themselves could have a "normal rating" based on the percentages of their stories

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    • disthing

      That'd be interesting. The option to 'hide' your 'normal rating' would have to be available for those unwilling to share theirs :)

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    • Shackleford96

      I like that idea.

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  • GreyWulfen

    Rainbow name, whoooo!

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    • disthing

      Rainbow party, whooo!

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  • baronroderick

    Why can't we dislike stupid comments? Not that there are much of these, but there are enough, they seem to be written by 12yrs old kids (things like "my dick and your mother"), and we should be able to mark thumbs down on these so that they would be concealed.

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    • Avant-Garde

      That feature is available!

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    • GreyWulfen

      You CAN thumb down posts, but only after being registered for a while. (or making a certain amount of posts? no idea)
      Took me some time to figure that out. xD

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I can't think of anything. I was going to say that there should be a seperete bit of IIN for the teen questions like I love him/her what do i do or IIN i'm still a virgin but I realised that was very stereotypical of me as I'm sure many great posts have been written by the younger people on IIN.

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