How would a person from 1921 react if they saw 2021 technology?

It's interesting to think about. If people from 1921 were introduced to technology from 2021, what would be their reaction? Keep in mind, the most high-tech gadget that people had in their homes back then were radios and rotary phones. If their homes had electricity so to say, which far from everyone had. The car most people had was a Ford Model T, the most basic of cars that exist.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Clunk42

    I don't know about technology, but I think they'd find society morally abhorrent.

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    • Yeah, they'd find the culture utterly absurd and morally degenerative.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Could you imagine if a tranny walked by them. Theyd be like wtf is that?! Its demonic!

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I think outside of computers and smart phones they wouldnt be that impressed. Maybe helicopters and jets would be impressive as well.

    I assume they expected by 2021 to have a lot more technology than we do. Look at shows from the 60s they thought we would be flying space ships around and going to mars.

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    • From a 60s point of view, definitely disappointing. From a 20s point of view, definitely impressive.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Facetiming on a phone would be the most impressive thing by far. Theyd probably try to smash the screen to get you out.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    That is fun to think about alright. They'd just constantly be being amazed all the time. There could also be a few technologies where we'd expect them to be completely astonished by it, but their reaction would be much more tame, and vice versa. So it'd be interesting to see that. By the 1960s, people fully expected there to be robots and flying cars and space travel in the future, so they'd actually be unimpressed by our robots and cars and space exploration. But I don't think they had come to expect those things by the 1920s really, so they would likely be impressed by those alright.

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    • I think people from the 60s would probably be impressed by the hypercars we have nowadays though, such as the Bugatti Chiron.

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        Yeah I suppose so, I don't know too much about cars tbh.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think those folks from back in the 1920s would think the technology today is the bees knees, but the people nowadays are douchebags.

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  • olderdude-xx

    “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Issac Asimov

    You would find many who believed that you were magicians or some form of god... Good or evil. Expect to be accused of being a devil worshiper... and perhaps they would actually kill you for it.

    There would be a group of people who would be amazed - but understand it was a new form of technology that had not yet been developed. That is likely to be in the minority of the population for some of our technology.

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  • Rocketrain

    Few things.

    Might say it's aliens because they can't describe that technology with their own knowledge.

    Jesus has returned and miracles have happened if he or she is religious.

    If skeptical, would say this is a hoax, it isn't real.

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  • darefu

    I think they'd shoot their kids. They would look at all the waste of technology and money and be sad that we took it and went down such an ugly rabbit hole.

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    It’d be a shock, but not insurmountable. You’d have to go back to about 1800 for that. A person from then would be so blown away, they couldn’t handle it.

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  • Sanara

    I think they would be impressed, but also confused like old people are today

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  • Somenormie

    I bet they'd be clueless and ask " What sorcery is this "

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  • "it's amazing how letting women vote helps society"

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