How would u rather die??
im just curiouse on what people think the best way for them to die...
in fire | 13 | |
in your sleep | 243 | |
falling | 23 | |
in water | 13 | |
other | 67 |
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im just curiouse on what people think the best way for them to die...
in fire | 13 | |
in your sleep | 243 | |
falling | 23 | |
in water | 13 | |
other | 67 |
I want to be abducted by aliens, live on their planet until I’m 130, and die from a Plasma gunshot wound sustained during tribal alien combat!!!!!
BUT NEVER FUCKING DIE IN WATER, THAT WOULD SUCK, i mean just suffocating to death? that would majorly suck
exactly what Jim Morrison quoted
“I wouldn't mind dying in a plane crash. It'd be a good way to go. I don't want to die in my sleep, or of old age, or OD...I want to feel what it's like. I want to taste it, hear it, smell it. Death is only going to happen to you once; I don't want to miss it.”
What I want to do is rent an ice cream truck. Cruise around a really busy neighborhood. Start giving out free ice cream and have the childish music blaring. After a large enough mob of kids runs up to get ice cream, I would pull out a gun and blow my head off, screaming, " YOU DID THIS TO ME YOU LITTLE FUCKERS"
I dont wanna fuckin drown, be burned to death, fall to my death(chance to live and be in a hella lotta pain)or in my sleep cuz i wanna give the bastard a death stare, i wanna get shot...or fucked up by a ninja
Maybe we should ask Freddy Kruger how much it hurt? And then discuss death with Jason Voorheers. and then see which was worse.
You know, drowning is way better than falling to your death.
If you drown, you fall unconscious before you actually die.
If you fall to your death, your body goes into extreme fear, because your body realizes that it really shouldn't be falling and you die being terrified out of your mind.
burning to death would indeed suck more than drowning because when you drown, you pass out after a few seconds due to lack of oxygen in the brain... whilst being burnt to death it would only be a matter of a persons certain pain tolerance and how long it would take them to go into shock, which could be a matter of seconds or several minutes.
What does it matter? Once were dead we won't know anythjng ? How we went our lives it will all be like it was well nothing, unless there is a heaven o;
I would like to die while asleep. But only in my dream OMG GOD LOOPHOLE I JUST BLEW UR MIND AAAAAH
definitly not burning or drowning!! in my sleep will be just fine, thank you
Dying while sleeping looks the best. Wish I could really choose that.
painlessly and sudden when im maybe just dropping dead instantly for no reason. in your sleep is bad. its like in those dreams when you stop breathing
I will never want to die by water I think that's the most scariest way to die
When you are asleep, your brain creates dreams to rationalize any kind of incoming information or stimulation. Like one night, I was sleeping with my girl friend and I began tickling and petting her softly while she slept. She began having an erotic dream and responding to my petting and after a while, she became lucid and began telling me about her crazy, hot, sexy fantasy she was just having, and of course we both were excited so we got after it. The point is, I cant imagine the scenario your brain would create for you to explain to you what was happening as you were dying, but I cant imagine it would be very good. Better to die, unconscious, NOT SLEEPING, BUT UNCONSCIOUS WITH VERY LITTLE BRAIN ACTIVITY.
What death isn't natural? Dying from cancer from smoking man-made cigarettes is no more natural that dying by fire, water, or jumping off of a building (also man-made). We're shaped by our environment and if it ends in suicide or not, it's all still death, your body giving out to everything it's been through in that environment.
fire is cool as hell i would rather die in that, but id regret the decision
I want to get into a crazy fight with a wolf or multiple wolves and end up killing one. I want to go out like a crazy bad ass.
I would say sleep but just after sex would be great, better than gettin hit by a bus
I have read that drowning is really a euphoric way to die. I guess people that have almost drowned say it's really calming once your lungs fill up with water you just are kind of like high.
id like to drown, just because its so terrifying. i want a show when i die, something that really says "omg youre dying! isnt that so cool??"
I want to try falling from the tallest building in the world. What would the SPLAT be like?
Though, I am curious to know what a death-dream would be like.
Dying in your sleep would be the worst way to go... Besides drowning. And maybe burning to death. I wouldn't be able to tell if it was a dream or not, so I'd probably be one of those confused dead people. That would suck. :P
Id rather die from some kind of drug, but slowly, and just feel complete peace and clarity, and calmness
I would likd to have that kind of death DiscoDuck wants to have. Sounds good :)
I want to die of poison in the arms of my boyfriend who will be screaming "nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-" into the heavens... *sigh*
wtf is wrong w u ppl??? LOLOL
i want to die peacefully and with no pain
remember the saying NO PAIN NO GAIN!!!
The process of dying sucks but what comes after might not be so bad. S'long as I don't drown.
Old age yes :)
I would like that. My nan is 86 & still going strong,
I would hate to die with 30 years of illness.