Human life is much more important than animal life.

I just want to know something about how smart some people are in this country.

Yes, everybody knows that. 5
Yes, human life is definitely more important. 26
No, they are equally important. 23
No, animals are humans too. 12
Humans are animals-neither yes or no. 35
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Comments ( 20 )
  • _Mehhhh_

    I think it depends on how important or intelligent, and tbh, how "nice" the animal is. I'd give a bigger shit if a dog, cat or some kind of ape was killed senselessly than I'd give if someone stomped on a tarantula or some kind of fly, tbh

    I'd say humans are more important, but animals are not unimportant.

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    • shinji

      How about a lion or crocodile?

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I think it depends on the person. Some people exist on this planet and all they do is rape and murder and fuck shit up. Why the hell should a care about that person's life more than a dog who brings joy to someone.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I'm totally with you 100%!

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  • RoseIsabella

    It all depends on who the animal and or human in question are.

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  • mysistersshadow

    I doubt other animals would agree.

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  • No, running over a squirrel is the same as running over a person dude. ^_^

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    • Legion

      Good lord, another one of those. If you want to confirm your own prejudics by pretending to be someone else and answer your own question like a self important douchebag, at least turn off the anonymous poster first so you don't look like a total idiot!

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    • llamalover

      why are you commenting on your own post?

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    • RoseIsabella

      Why in earth are you responding to your own post?

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    Human life is important.
    Animal life only holds value for it's usefulness to mankind.

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    • sofee59

      Just so one knows humans are more important then animals because we say we are. I get very heated and disgusted when people get mad at an animal when they bite some one or kill them and then kill the poor animal, but when a human kills an animal its fun and hilarious and a sport. HUMANS ARE GROSS AND NEED TO DIE OUT, THE WORLD WOULD BE HAPPY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • xneonkittyx

    They are both equal. Duh.

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  • shinji

    Depends on the human.

    But overall my vote is in favour of humans but almost touching "both are equal" territory.

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  • sillygirl77

    OP also why are you assuming we are all from the same country?

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  • kasaikitsune12

    animals are important too!

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  • walkingdildo

    Depends on the context. If a domesticated animal attacks a human, the animal should be put down there and then.

    If a person is out in the wild, though, and is killed by a bear, then going on a revenge hunt would prove nothing.

    Eating meat is both normal and legitimate, humans have been eating meat since Homo sapiens evolved (they've also been eating grain that long too).

    Furthermore, pears that pose a risk to human health should be killed. Such as, oh I don't know, parasitic worms.

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    • RoseIsabella

      If If a domestic animal attacks an intruder then that's a good animal!

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      • walkingdildo

        The subtext is that the animal is not provoked into attacking, ie trained to attack intruders. I meant people generally.

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  • Nope human life isn't more "important" but our kind is willing to kill others to save their own hide(meat,drug testing, animal products).

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