Humans are garbage

I want to start off by saying that I am 19, and already i hate humans. Sure there is some great ones, but lets be real most are corrupted,selfish,ignorant,evil,
mindless apes. Life really sucks for me right now and its all because of religion,money, and power.Is it normal that im disgusted with humans? they pollute,cheat,destroy other animals, dictate where life grows, and even kill each other. I am a Mexican-American and feel like the white men created a system in the us that cannot be broken. I feel like a slave, im always angry bc i knw that we have been lied to.

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Comments ( 26 )
  • TheTodd11

    Don't let the controlling control you... Three types of people in this world givers & takers, and those within the extreme..

    Takers will take as long as there is something to take, givers will give as long as there is something to give..

    Don't focus on the World so much, create hobbies think about whats good and healthy for you.

    I'll tell you one thing thou, you're currently heading in the wrong direction..

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    • janeyjane

      "Don't let the controlling control you."

      I like this a lot.

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    • TheFascade

      You said there's three types of people...and only mentioned two...

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  • spoon4d

    what do you call a Mexican without a lawn mover ?


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  • follow_me_down

    Is there a question here? Or just to lump together the entire human race and abuse them?

    Even if you don't feel like it, there ARE sweet kind people in this world not motivated by religion, power, or money to do kind things for others.

    It just takes a lot of sucky things to happen before you find them. Stay strong.

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  • wayfarer

    Lets all cry for the martyr, quit whining.

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  • PhillipLoco

    I totally agree .

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  • snarkygirl

    Most people suck. Try to find ones that done.

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  • janeyjane

    Also: Remember that we're all on our own journey, learning our own lessons, and trying to be the best we can be. Although life looks bleak; it's actually all in perfect order. Try not to judge, especially those you only see through media, ideas, or the small part of them that has been conveyed.

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  • janeyjane

    I think you'd benefit from reading about spirituality told through respectable clairvoyants, meditation and to see things through your spirit. When you do this, the reason behind the existence of these humans you find terrible start to make sense, and you find peace with them once you've found peace within yourself. Religion is man made, research deeper into where it originally came from and you'll have a higher knowing. Also, you'll attract people like yourself. You're deeply angry at the world (I've been there) you just need to work inwards, find YOUR light, and then you'll attract matches. Also, get out into nature and befriend the trees for a while. Everything has a spirit, and sometimes we need a break from people.

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  • nonhuman

    You are right for the most part and what you feel is quite natural.

    All creatures, including all humans, are driven mostly by egoism and stupidity. The egoism makes their stupidity seem like great intelligence and the stupidity prevents them from seeing the egoism. So in one way, yes, all humans are garbage regardless of race or country not just whites, not just Americans.

    All the ideas that humans give us, all the ideals and values they tell us we should uphold, are all based only on egoism and stupidity. They are not meaningful ideals or values. All the thoughts and theories of the human species are essentially no more meaningful than the howls and shrieks of chimpanzees. Human society is nothing more than a lunatic asylum with 7 billion lunatics in charge, constantly telling themselves collectively that they are great and wise and wonderful and all that.

    So you will naturally feel bitter and disappointed with humans. But that is good in one way because you have stumbled on the truth. It is very difficult to get even that far because when our own egoism and stupidity are pandered to we immediately think how great humans are and become completely blind to the real nature of all creatures - egotistic and stupid!

    Starting with the bitterness and disappointment you can work your way out, regain your sanity, peace of mind and find a meaningful way to live without being so horribly trapped among humans.

    Paradoxically, the way out is inwards, into one's own mind. I am not talking about some magical mumbo jumbo or crystals or angels or some such new age nonsense. I am talking about a system of steadily training the mind to discard the ideas and notions that limit our freedom, take away our peace of mind and get us trapped in human society. It leads to better quality of life. This is nothing new. It has been around for 2500 years. Just google "Theravada Suttas".

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  • purple1498

    I hate them with a passion

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  • CanadianMale

    Ok so who is the "man" cause if you do a little histroy research I think you will find that some of the biggest tyrants in history were from egypt and guess what, they weren't men - they were women!!! We all have something we're struggling with, we see as a handicap - but you know what I'm not blaming my horrible past of growing up in an alcoholic home or using it as an excuse to cry and moan. You have two choices, make reasons to better your future or make excuses to fail - but you can't do both. Also how many other countries have such a mix of ethnic backgrounds? Last I checked, though we do have some racist folk here - think we are getting past that here in this who's the president of the United States of America again? May want to try another excuse for crying the blues.

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  • StrangeDuckDude

    500 years ago, your Aztec half-ancestors were ripping people's hearts out on the steps of a pyramid; throwing children down a well to appease their rain god (their tears supposedly pleased said god); skinning war captives alive (so the Aztec priests could dance in their skins); and adorning a massive rack in the center of Tenochtitlan (now Mexico city) with the skulls of thousands of sacrificial victims, to name just a few superstitious atrocities. White people (Spaniards, the other half of your ancestry) put a stop to that.
    Sure people suck, you're right about that. But remember, you Mexicans suck just as bad as a white boy like me!

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    • jorgeb021

      No one actually knows why they sacrificed Duckboy, it's debatable. And if you read the title. It says humans, so I don't know why your wasting your time. Oh and I'm 3/4 spaniard.

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  • byknight

    most human are worthless i'll agree to that but, there are a few that still mounts to something.don't give up just yet.find a dog and you'll find a best friend. cause dogs make great ways to meet special people. good luck.

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  • i went through a fase where i would come home everyday and just say i hate evreyone but my immdet family

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  • Wow. Yes this is normal.

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  • goldndust23

    youtube "consent to slavery" ;p

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  • xebx

    evr heard of amnesty international...? agreeed tho

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  • House

    it's hard i know but getting mad over it doesn't solve anything and it certainly won't help you.I just ignore them as much as possible.

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  • bleach_baby

    You obviously dont hate people otherwise you wouldnt be looking for attention and affirmation by posting this. Probably youre a bit lonely so you've developed a bit of a superiority complex. Youll grow out of it.

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  • Jestah

    I agree with you apart from the 'white man' part, why do people always say 'the white man is evil and responsable for all the problems we have' You got choices man, you either gotta do something to change your country or seek a better life somewhere else.

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  • randomjelly

    Quit whining and do something about it! Think about how you yourself can contribute to change.

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  • jorgeb021

    I'm actually far from lonely but nice try psychologist. Anyway I'm talking about humans as a whole. It's nothing personal sure there is nice ppl on this planet. And yea there's some nice white ppl. I'm talking about the "man".

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  • jermath35

    Think over the top man! Fuck the government and their scams everywhere...they have an evil plan to take over the google "new world order" learn to be self sufficient live off the land...also learn how to disappear use fake info everywhere... We have to wake people up to this before it's too late!!!

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