Hunting for sales in stores as a fun activity

Over the years after immigrating to the US I've learned that Americans love shopping for less and hunting for sales.

It appears to me that buying stuff on sale has nothing to do with one's financial abilities, or how much money one has. In fact buying on sale often seems to be like a hobby or fun activity for the rich who have more free time then others.

Buying nice stuff on sale for amazing great prices often becomes a great girls topic of discussion.

Example; "I got this dress on a wow sale at 70% off the regular price, can you believe it?".

Fact is that nobody asks how much was the original price - was it $100? $1,200, $2,000 ?

Is it normal to get so excited about finding and buying stuff on sale?

P.S. Checkout
Great site to help sales' lovers to find local sales anywhere in the US, Enjoy!

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65% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • TheJackel

    Your a maverick. Malcolm gladwell talks about you in his book the tipping point.

    But seriously, what's with the plug? U must be the managements friend haha.

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  • dappled

    It's a psychological trick that's particularly effective with people who often think of what they've saved rather than what they've spent. The 50% off badge is often attached to items and their price left unchanged. It then appears that the value of the item is much higher than the price.

    Really, it's just the same item that you refused to buy previously but are now happy to buy at the same price it was first. It's a neat trick and my advice to everyone would be to ignore the price (or the labels with percentages off) and evaluate how much you think the product is worth. If it's priced lower than that, then you have a bargain.

    And, yes, retailers will hate me for saying this because it puts the power back into your hands. If no-one thinks the product is worth buying, the price necessarily dips.

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    • I agree, nevertheless some sales do offer great value and savings. Did you check out ? It leads you to local sales where you can then evaluate if you get great value for money and buy or look for other real sales opportunities.

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  • IrishPotato

    A little birdy told me you´re an employee of salelocator. :D

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  • TheManagement
    STAFF - Nice site. Clickable link.

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