I’m going to my first party and i’m nervous

So I’m going to my first college party (at 10pm) it’s about 12pm right now, and yes I will be drinking. But I’m nervous because I’ve never been to a party.

Is what I’m wearing too much, black jeans, Rolling Stones t-shirt and converses, I’m thinking black lipstick and some light eyeshadow

I’m nervous because I think people won’t like me, and I don’t know how to act

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Comments ( 28 )
  • leggs91200

    Well by now you have likely been and came home.

    If so, did you notice that most people were either too engaged in their friends or had their noses buried in their cell phone to notice you much?

    Yeah when we g places, people turn and stare for a moment then back to their snapchats.

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    • LMAOO nooo, is at 10pm and it’s only 12 rn so I still have a few hours, sorry I wrote it confusingly

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  • LOLFanProductions

    Girl, you are so naive! Did you have a girl squad with you? Maybe by now you know NEVER go alone; unless you want some drug to be in your drink and some guy, probably has an STD, to have sex with you. That doesn't happen all the time, but it can still happen nevertheless.

    I for one, am not a bar/party person. I prefer to have wine and chill out at home. I obviously know this because I have been to a few bars. It's not for everyone.

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  • Don't get fall-down drunk, make sure no one Pill Cosbys you, remember that drugs are bad m'kay? and you'll be fine.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I like that phrase, Pill Cosby, but I hate Bill Cosby. The truth is that I have never liked him. I have never seen his appeal. His character on his show in the 1980's was always so condescending, and patronizing.

      I love Hannibal Buress!

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      • leggs91200

        I remember when he hosted the cartoon Fat Albert. Before each episode he would say, "...and if you are not careful you might learn something before it is over".

        Well now being real little kid, I heard that and thought, "I cannot watch this! I might end up learning something". You know how kids hate to learn.

        Well, *I* did anyways! I mean I thought "learning" meant being at school listening to some crotchety old bitch yell at us because we didn't get the lesson right.

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        • RoseIsabella

          I've usually always enjoyed learning. I don't care for learning things the hard way, but unfortunately I've learned more than my share of life lessons that way.

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          • CozmoWank

            Maybe Bill has learned not to go around drugging women.

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            • RoseIsabella

              You know I don't give a shit about Bill Cosby. I don't care if he drops dead tomorrow.

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          • leggs91200

            (scoff) haven't we all been to the school of hard knocks after a certain point.

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            • RoseIsabella

              Yes, in one way, or another.

              I think that oftentimes for myself it's been a matter of me thinking that I'm so different, and that I won't make the mistakes that are so common, but then when put in that position I actually do make the same mistakes.

              We're all terminally unique.

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  • curious-bunny

    I almost went to a party once. My boss invited me, I had a huge crush in that man, kept offering me different drinks. I was 19 at the time. Obviously now I realize what your all thinking but back then I was so stupid. Anyways I never went. I regret that

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    • SwickDinging

      Not stupid, just young and naive. Any asshole can manipulate a 19 yr old. We've all been there. I had a similar experience when I was 16. Thought I must be so pretty and grown up to be offered so many drinks from this older man. Didn't even think about what was in them or why he was so interested in me.

      Sick sad world.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I hope that predatory bastard eventually got caught, or at least got his ass beat. Just because a person hasn't been arrested doesn't mean that person isn't a sex offender. I honestly don't care what happens to sex offenders as long as it's bad. Some people are too selfish, and self absorbed to see that they are rapists.

        You're right, it really is a sick sad world.

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      • curious-bunny

        True. Still wish I went though. That man made me weak in the knees.

        Damn I'm really sorry to hear that. Hopefully it didnt end up beibg to bad

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        • leggs91200

          In other words he would not have had to get you drunk in order to...

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          • curious-bunny

            Haha yea. Sober me would of been all over him. God I wanted that man. I had it bad for him like the boss I talked about fewwuebtky a bit ago

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            • leggs91200

              I must say you are rather good looking so I do not think you will have too much trouble finding at least some action. If some guys think MY middle aged overweight TG ass is attractive, they would trip over their own tongues for a slender, young one like you.

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        • SwickDinging

          As luck would have it my friends, who were as oblivious as me, suddenly appeared saying our lift to the party had arrived and we had to go now. He grabbed me and said I had to go with him and his friends but my friends stayed with me and I pushed him off me and ran off with my friends. Whatever he put in my drink didn't kick in until I was at my friend's house. So it ruined my party but I was in a safe place with people I knew so it was all ok. Could have been really bad. I didn't realise the severity of it at the time but looking back I would guess those men were in their 40s.

          Fucking hell, I really don't want my daughters to grow up. I totally get now why people are like this with their kids.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Yeah, it's a shame it's not legal to hunt, and kill guys like that for sport.

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          • curious-bunny

            Jesus fuck that's horrible, you would of been so fucked if your friends didnt show up.

            I understand. Some people are fucked. I wouldnt want my kids to grow to up either then if I had kids

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