I’m mostly pro-life except for disabled babies

I’m generally against abortion. I don’t think under any circumstance should a life be taken, even if the mother is at risk.

But there is one situation in which I think it’s right and perhaps should be promoted.

If I knew my child would be severely disabled, such as having Down Syndrome, I would have an abortion with zero regrets. There is nothing kind about bringing a child into this world in which it could survive on its own. Aborting your disable child is loving it.

No parent should be burdened by caring for a child that can’t grow up for their entire life. Society shouldn’t be forced to pay more taxes for the disabled, and society shouldn’t be burdened with the disabled in their presence.

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50% Normal
Based on 14 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • raisinbran

    I'm all for terminating disabled babies as long as they don't end up in the water supply.

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  • taebby22

    I can understand both arguments and I think raising a disabled child takes a very special kind of person. I saw some videos of a woman who cared for her disabled 30-year old daughter who was basically a vegetable other than being able to crawl very slowly. The child was incapable of feeding themselves, using the restroom (I believe they lived with a cathader or diapers), bathing, etc. And this woman spent 30 years of her life caring for her child.

    I could never do that.

    However, adoption can be an option but you run the risk of the child being put with a family who turns out bad. Not every adoption turns out well.

    So I get why you feel the way you do, but I also understand why some people would be upset with it.

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  • bigbudchonger

    I'm with you, dude. It's ridiculous you're getting hate for this. It's a simple matter of quality of life. Why not try again and bring a child into the world who is fully functional and has a better quality of life. It's just logical.

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    • I get it’s a sensitive subject, but I was expecting the backlash.

      I think it’s fair to consider the child’s well-being before bringing them into this world.

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  • ospry

    This is a scary stance to hold because it not only perpetuates negative stereotypes but encourages them. People with Down's Syndrome are a lot higher functioning than most people think. I know of a hairdresser with Down's Syndrome who's one of the more skilled employees where she works. She lives a fulfilling life and is happy. But according to your stance, her life is so hellish and miserable for having Down's Syndrome that she shouldn't have even been given the option to live

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    • There’s other disabilities besides Down Syndrome.

      What about severe microcephaly? In those cases most have an I.Q. of a three-year-old with many health complications. I wouldn’t want my child to live in that state.

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  • Clunk42

    You suggest that my brothers have no value.

    You suggest that my brothers are nothing more than drains on society.

    You suggest that my brothers should be killed where they stand because my mother should not be made to take care of them.

    You are a terrible person.

    You are worth less than either of them.

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      "You suggest that my brothers should be killed where they stand" he/she is talking about abortion so unless your brothers are fetuses, or you feel a brotherhood towards the down-syndromed in general, it apparently doesn't apply.

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  • wigz

    I don't really believe anyone should live, who needs serious medical intervention.

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  • darefu

    I would suggest spending some time at a place that assists down syn, or others born with disabilities.
    Tell them to their face they are useless, a burden, and their moms should have killed them. Matter of fact tell the parents that! You may find a few that would agree but I would bet it would be less than 10 or even 5 percent.

    With today's tests most people can find out those things before 10 or 12 weeks. Which is where most of the world would draw a line. Zero abortion, I've seen the results and have a hard time going that direction but anything after 10 or 12 wks, imo, is just murder.

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  • RoseIsabella

    So, are you a Nazi, or something?

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    • Ligeia

      Eugenics programs were implemented all over the developed world, including the US, before Nazi Germany...

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yes, this is true.

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    • That’s not the best comeback.

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  • Tinybird

    Fuck you. Sincerely - someone who is disabled.

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  • Wow3986

    Fucking disgusting bigot. Seek help.

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  • powertothepeople

    This is eugenics. Disabled people are just as able as non disabled people. Infact disabled people are actually better in many ways because they add to diversity. Maybe you should stop being such a bigot/fascist.

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    • Ligeia

      "Disabled people are just as able as non disabled people"
      Is this the new 2+2=5? 🙃
      (To clarify, I'm not OP and don't agree with them, although I think your argument is weak)

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    • How are the severely disabled better than those without a disability?

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  • Anonnet

    I think this is an overly simplistic view of life and disability, and it primarily comes from able-bodied people.

    I saw where you said "I was expecting the backlash", but you haven't actually refuted anything anyone has said. You can't just throw an opinion and then when people say "that's wrong", you just lay back and say "I get it's a sensitive subject".

    No one's saying you shouldn't consider the child's well-being. What we're having a problem with is you saying that Down's, or any other disability that would cause the child to require assistance, is worthy of abortion. You then described them as a burden on their parents, and a tax burden for the society that has to deal with their presence. That is a commentary on ALL disabled people, not just babies.

    You're not pro-life.

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    This bitch again. You had a fair point til you outed yourself in the 2nd sentence. quit trying to roleplay as a nazi with your shithouse autismo genetics, this aint your uncle's basement

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